P2 Weekly Reflection 25.5.18

In social studies this week we have been making comparisons between transport past and present and finding out how transport has changed over time. We are all looking forward to our class trip to the Riverside Museum in Glasgow on Tuesday!

In numeracy we have been learning how to round numbers to the nearest ten. We have also been learning how to add ten to a two digit number.

In Literacy we have been developing our comprehension skills in reading. We have also been learning to spell words with ‘magic e’. We completed a word building activity and wrote some of our own sentences using ‘magic e’ words.

In PE we enjoyed a game of dodgeball and handball. In handball we were practising our ball control skills as we dribbled the ball around the hall. We also played some team games in preparation for Sports Day.

In RE we have been learning about Buddhist temples.  We discussed why these are important and considered key features inside the temple.


Science Club

There was lots of excitement in science club this week. The children discovered that there has been a theft; a locked treasure chest has been stolen from the science lab! The children are all now forensic investigators and have been very busy finding clues and collecting evidence.  Mrs Smith & Ms King are sure that the LVPS forensics team will soon solve the crime!

Sophia – We are solving a crime. We put on gloves and shoe covers, so we don’t leave foot marks or prints at the crime scene. We found clues, there was a note and chocolate that has a bite out, so maybe the person was hungry. There was a glass with a finger mark, and we also found a pen and a spider. The treasure chest and the key have been stolen. We looked at our finger prints and two of mine has stripes and swirly patterns on them. I like science club because we are solving a crime.






This Week in P4

Play has been our theme this week as the children have explored construction kits, Cuisenaire rods, and measure.

The children had mixed results with their construction of a plane but their teamwork, collaboration, reasoning, questioning, imagining, planning, listening and talking skills have all been stretched.

This week the children have begun to explore measure.  They have been marking out the wingspans of some airplanes in the playground or the field when the playground was not big enough.   The children had to first recognise how to measure out 12m with only a 1m tape and chalk. Once they found their way and shared roles in the group, they were measuring up to 60m in the field.

In class the children had the chance to ‘play’ with measuring tapes, weighing scales and  measuring cylinders to explore their use and reading scales/number lines.  Many of the children need to work on their pouring skills however, they were very good at mopping up! (I think this will be a good excuse for measuring outdoors one sunny day.)

We have also looked at the story of the Wright brothers and noted their perseverence to achieve their goal. The class is continuing to learn about uplevelling writing through proof reading and editing,  all are working on their final draft of their flight linked story.

P1K Learning Reflection for W/E 25.05.18

This week P1K found a frog in the garden! 

Magic E

Caleb – learning the new ‘A’ sound the magic  ‘e’  turns the ‘a’ into A

Nathan – we have been learning about magic E when we put an ‘a’ and an ‘e’ at the end it turns the ‘a’ sound into A,  cape, ache and lake have the sound

Emma  – I liked learning about the oi sound coin has that sound


Andrew – the caterpillars have turned into chrysalis, they are turning into a butterfly

Jamie – the caterpillars have turned into a cocoon and they will turn into a butterfly

Maizy – the caterpillars have turned into a chrysalis inside they are turning into a butterfly

Rayyaan – the caterpillars are in a cocoon; they will hatch out and turn into butterflies

John – the caterpillars will turn into butterflies





A – we were learning symmetry, we made string pictures they are symmetrical when it’s not symmetrical it’s asymmetrical

Holly –asymmetrical means that it’s not the same on the sides, symmetrical means it’s the same. Two hands with the thumbs the same way is symmetrical,  a butterfly is symmetrical if it has the same dots on each wing.

Emma Ch – the symmetrical picture with the string, I couldn’t really figure it out because I made a print and it didn’t work, I thought it was easy and it was not.  The butterfly picture was symmetrical, it had a line of symmetry down the middle.

Sophia – symmetrical means it is the same on both sides a square has 4 lines of symmetry the butterfly has 1 line


Aakruti – The number 3 bean is growing and we need to put soil and a bean and water and sunlight. I will plant my beanstalk the same as number 3.

Poppy – plant 3 has grown already and the other ones have done nothing. Plants need soil, water and sun to grow.

Maddie – so number 1 didn’t grow and number 2 didn’t grow, but 3 has water, sun and soil and it grew.  We need to use soil, water and sun to grow our beanstalks.


So, there goes another very busy week for P7…

As well as Inveralmond CHS transition on Wednesday – Friday, pupils had to fit in West Lothian Netball Championships and Athletics Championships.

All our routines and timetables have changed due to all these events, and well done to pupils for managing to keep going. It can be really difficult to keep up when everything is changing. Even for those not involved in the big events this week, things have been very different.

Well done to our sports teams as they have done very well representing the school, some even bringing home medals. Mr Stewart has all the information on our twitter feed.

This week our main focus in class was debating. This builds on our learning about how things work at The Scottish Parliament, and links to our current block of non-fiction writing. Topics so far have been about the World Cup and driverless cars. It has been great to see how carefully the pupils have listened and responded to each other. They are all improving in their use of rhetorical questions and counter-argument.


This week in Primary 5…

This has been a shorter week for primary 5 due to the Monday holiday so we have tried to cram lots in!

Tuesday saw P5 continue their Golf lessons with Mrs Rae outside in the sun. The children are really enjoying this experience and are very appreciative of Mrs Rae giving up her time to spend with P5.

We have also started preparing for our assembly on Internet Safety…the children are so excited to share their learning with you on Friday 8th June.

Have a lovely weekend!


Mrs Taylor



Buddies and Intergenerational Meeting

This week, some of P6 met the residents of Livingston Care Home on Wednesday afternoon, along with Mr McCallum-McKay. This was a good chance to have a chat and discuss what we have all been up to.

Some P6 students also got to meet their nursery buddies on Thursday, and were really excited to see them again!

P1M Learning Reflection W/E 25th May

This week we have been learning about the Life Cycle of the Butterfly. We had to cut out pictures and stick them in the right order. The life cycle of a butterfly goes like this eggs then caterpillars then cocoon and lastly they become butterflies. In Maths, we have been learning about symmetry. We have learned what symmetrical means by creating our own symmetrical butterflies and symmetrical towers. In Literacy, we learned the sound a magic e. We built and wrote a magic e words. We held a sentence, our sentence was I can see three green sheep. The nursery came to visit on Tuesday. We made crowns and played with them. In Science we discussed the result of our experiment from last week and planted our own bean stalks. Here are our thoughts about our learning this week:

Mathew: I found it tricky to complete the life cycle of a butterfly worksheet.

Lewis: I enjoyed and found it easy to put the life cycle of a butterfly together.

Pola: I found it easy to cut, stick and colour the life cycle of a butterfly.

Jaxon: I found learning the a magic e sound and completing the missing words on the sheet tricky.

Aiden: I enjoyed finding out who was write with their prediction and then planting my own bean stalk.

Calum: I enjoyed planting my own bean stalk and cannot wait to see it grow.

Anya: I liked planting my bean stalk. I know it will need light, heat and water to grow.

Cali: I liked ordering the life cycle of a butterfly.