- We encourage families to walk from school or park and walk.
- The carpark at the school is for staff and visitors only. If parents need to use this space in an emergency to drop off or pick up their children, they should use the first two lanes of spaces on the left as you drive into the carpark and walk their child over to the gate/ door (the row of spaces opposite the nursery is not for parent/ carer parking).
- Children should not cross the car park on their own.
- Please do not walk across the flowerbeds.
- A one way system is operated in this area.
- Please do not use the road alongside the school as this can be busy with construction traffic.
- The bay opposite the school entrance is for deliveries
- parking in spaces that we wish to reserve for staff to make it easier for them to access the school. Including on two occasions a car reversing out and nearly hitting another car.
- pulling into spaces without indicating and/ or taking up several spaces.
- parking in the disabled spaces or across several spaces, without a permit.
- parking along Nethershiel Road, and along down to the farm. Blocking the road/ traffic.
- Also, as Primary 4-5 leave through the side door a lot of families are parking in the non parking zone along Nethershiel Road and waiting on their children here – this is not a parking or drop off area