Category: School Information
Breakfast Club
Our Strategies for Improvement
Clan Photos: Tempest Format
Talking to children and young people about war and conflict
We are aware that some families have asked for advice on how to speak to their children about war and conflict. You might find these documents useful:
Seesaw in Primary 1 – 3
A remember to our Primary 1-3 families, our champions are using Seesaw to profile your child’s learning journey, therefore you will be able to view more information about what your child is learning through the app.
We would encourage you to like to the post, so the champion can see you have read it and feel free to leave a comment.
The video below shares some advice on how you can use Seesaw at home.
After School Sports Clubs
Now that COVID-19 guidance for schools has changed, we are excited that after school sport clubs run by Active Schools and Local Clubs will commence on week beginning 21st February and run for 6 weeks.
The clubs were allocated on a first come first saved basis. If your child has received/not received a place in an after school club they will receive a letter today (9.2.22) with further information.
P1-3 children can wear their P.E. kit to school and P4-6 children should bring their P.E. kit to change into.
Parents should collect their child at 4:05pm outside the main school entrance & office. If possible, they should also wear a mask.