Cosy Corner Club – Upper Challenge 1

A group of our upper school pupils were tasked with a challenge to fully research what activities are available for kids in Livingston. They had to work in a small group to find total costs, bus times and costs before voting on the best place to go. They invited Miss Burton to listen to their ideas and pitched their proposition. All of the children were able to convince Miss Burton that a visit to our local cinema via local transport and to visit Hot Flame was the best option. The pupils created their own itinerary using the information they had gathered, were involved in the risk assessment and one of our pupils was responsible for booking of the trip by phone.

This group are now our ‘Upper Skills’ ambassadors and some are looking forward to leading the next challenge… Ready, Steady, Cook 👨‍🍳

Clan Connects: Ben Lawers

Ben Lawers hosted our first Calderwood Connects for families on Friday. They had been learning about the West Lothian Food Bank as part of their Calder Communities Context. The children created a drama centring around everyone needs help at some point in their life, sharing different times when families might use a food back.


We also welcome representatives from West Lothian Foodbank along to watch.


A huge well done to Ben Lawers Clan, we are super proud of your performance, and the creative way you shared this important message.

Ben Lawers: Calderwood Connects

Dear parent/ carer, 
You are invited along to the Ben Lawers Clan, Calderwood Connects at 9:30am on Friday 11th November. Each child can invite two family members, and it will be held in our Arena. It will last approximately 20 minutes with an opportunity for refreshments with other families from Ben Lawers after.
Ben Lawers Clan will share their recent learning about services within our local community. 
They will have full dress rehearsal on Tuesday 8th, children should bring any costumes in their bag to change into on this day. (They have made up a list of their own costumes and what they need to bring, please let us know if you need any help with this).
Also, the clan are looking for any boxes/tins and bags that were going to be recycled, to act as props on set.
We look forward to seeing you there. 
Kind regards, 

Miss Burton & Ben Lawers 

Categorized as Ben Lawers

The Ben’s – Math through stories

Maths week Scotland took a creative literacy turn as The Bens developed their understanding of decimals, fractions & percentages through a story called ‘Pezzettino’ by Lio Lionni.

We explored the idea of the ‘part, part, whole’ model through Pezzettino’s quest to find someone he is part of, only to discover he is a whole made up of parts.
The Bens enjoyed working collaboratively in their groups to create their characters which were parts of a whole. It was joyful when they realised that they would need to collaborate with other groups to make wholes and complete the story.

We can’t wait to show everyone our very own Pezzettino inspired story soon!

The Ben’s Book Covers


The Ben’s have been inspired by their favourite books to create book covers that are now displayed in the discovery den. They have been creative with their work, some using free hand painting and colouring, others tracing, and some clan members used technology to design their covers. They have used their own ideas of what it means to be successful as a means to set a standard at this task, all students have completed it above and beyond these expectations. At home, you could discuss what your favourite book is and why you have chosen this – you could even have another read of that book to remember why you love it so much.

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