Term 2 in Pentland Class

We have had lots of fun in Pentland Class this term. We have been thinking about all the different sounds we hear when we are out for a walk as well as all the usual activities like messy play, cooking, communication work and much, much more. Everyone has participated enthusiastically in all the events like Children in need day and world children’s day as well as things like Halloween and Christmas. A highlight of the term has been our weekly horse riding sessions which have seen all the children grow in confidence and improve their balance skills.

Everyone in Pentland would like to wish you a happy and healthy Christmas and a good New Year. We look forward to seeing you all back in January.

Lomond Term 2

That’s another term almost over. Wow, doesn’t time fly!

We have been very busy in Lomond exploring lots of seasonal themes and taking part in Children in Need, Book Week Scotland, World Smile Day and the UNICEF Outright Campaign. We definitely deserve our holidays. Have a look at a few photos of some of our learning….

We wish you all a safe and happy Christmas and look forward to welcoming the pupils back again in January.

Seasonal fun in music – December 2021

We began the term in Primary with Halloween and our regular visit to the Hairy Scary Castle, using switches and instruments for all the creepy sounds of the monsters in the castle. We matched the sounds to the monster and worked together to create a sequence for the song. 

As Autumn went on, we explored fast and slow songs together, singing about the falling leaves blowing around in the wind and playing instruments at faster or slower tempo. Glendevon played bass bars in sequence for this, and everyone concentrated so well. When we had the cold snap, we switched the lyrics to snowflakes falling, which felt very seasonal. 

Then of course we have had Christmas songs at the end of term, which everyone enjoys. 

The Nursery and early Primary groups continued their intensive interaction music and are enjoying the recognition of the increasingly familiar songs and games. The secondary groups and the 1-1 sessions have also continued their musical journeys and they have enjoyed choosing their favourite instruments and exploring genres. 

Next year, the children will build on their good work and add in new seasonal songs and music. We will also explore Scottish music and dance leading up to Burns night and beyond to the February break. 

Term 2 in Hopetoun Class

I can’t believe it’s almost the end of another term!

We have been VERY busy in Hopetoun exploring lots of seasonal themes, raising money for Children in Need and Save the Children, and celebrating Book Week Scotland and the UNICEF Outright Campaign. Phew!!!

Here’s a few snapshots of our learning….

And here’s what we got up to for Children in Need…

We would like to wish all our Beatlie families a happy and safe Christmas and we will see you in January 2022!


Ochiltree Memories from Term 2 2021


What a year it has been so far – lots and lots of fantastic achievements made in 2021! There are so many memories I wanted to share that I have made a Sway for each of the children!

We have also been enjoying sharing our good work each week when we are sending home our baking, craft work and plants – I think the escorts are beginning to wonder what will come next!

We are truly grateful that we have had the opportunity to participate in so many great activities this year both in our own class and with Duntarvie! Lets keep our fingers crossed that we will continue in the new year!!!

Christmas Wishes to you all from Ochiltree xcx





Hello Reece!!!

This morning, I received a lovely message from Davie Walls, the parent of an ex nursery pupil here in Beatlie.
He sent me 2 photos of his lovely son, Reece looking at the Beatlie Blog, which he loves looking at even after all these years!!So Reece, this is a wee message from me, Carol, to you.
I was trying to remember how long ago it since you were here so I went through my old diaries and found you way back in 2013 – 14 and 2014 – 15 in Lammermuir nursery.
I found the Calendar of Events outlining all the things we did together as a school and class lists with all your wee pals and the class teams who looked after you! It has made me quite nostalgic!!
Linda, Tracey, Annmarie and Natalie are all still here and send you all their love.
In the meantime, love and virtual hugs to you and your wonderful family! Keep enjoying the blog and have a wonderful Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy New Year!!!

Come and join our Scottish Celebration Assembly


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