All posts by Hazel Swanston

Term 2 in Glendevon

Sorry we are a bit late putting our review of term 2 on the blog and hope that all our families and friends had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

Glendevon enjoyed all of the additional festive experiences including the performance, parties, Christmas garden and winter musical parade.

As always we have been working hard throughout term 2 and continue to use our multi-sensory space for a wide variety of purposes including:

  • to explore relaxation
  • to immerse ourselves in our topic story (which this term has included some of the beautiful items made through exploring materials in art time)

  • songs and singing utilising pupils different communication styles and methods

We hope to put together a wee video showcasing all the ways that we use the 4D room for the end of the year to share with all our parents.

Glendevon took on the roles and responsibilities of our facilities management team (Calum, John & Sandy) for International Children’s day and made sure pupil’s got their lunches, ensured paths were cleared and safe to use and daily school checks for security were carried out.












Glendevon’s eco representative has been hard at work in whole school groups throughout term 2 and focused on smaller garden spaces for Winter planting.

Glendevon boys have been exploring science concepts in messy science linked to our fashion and materials topic including; what materials to make our clothes from  and what would happen to different materials when placed in water.  Skills of predicting, showing preferences, retesting theories were all on display – brilliant work boys.

We are all ready for another fun filled term.

Glendevon Term 1

We can’t believe that’s term 1 over and what a busy term it has been.

We have enjoyed exploring technology this term including using the life skills area and through our topic of taking care of ourselves.

We made the most of our good weather by getting back on our bikes and using the drive deck to explore independently.

On the theme of health we have been making healthy foods and snacks in term 1 developing skills in chopping, mixing and weighing ingredients. Our Harvest healthy muffins went down a treat at café.

We have enjoyed taking part in messy art activities to make resources for our class charter and had fun with a food messy play for Fairtrade fortnight involving chocolate.

We are looking forward to lots more opportunities to explore our new topic of fashion through our playboxes, sensology and multi-sensory sessions this term.

Glendevon staff 24-25

Welcome back to Glendevon 24-25

It was fantastic to see all the boys back in their new class – Glendevon this week getting to know one another and all the new staff that they will be working with.

Below you can get to know the staff too and I look forward to speaking to you all during check in calls and at the ‘Meet the Team’ opportunity in September.

Have a lovely weekend and get ready for another busy week with lots of learning and fun next week.

Term 4 in Duntarvie 2024

What a busy last term!

Lots of our activities in term 4 have focused on Duke of Edinburgh.  Working on our skills, physical developments and volunteering.  Pupils have been:

  • Completing walking challenges using their supportive equipment
  • Caring for a range of animals with Calum from Cool Creatures
  • Improving skills in rebound therapy

As well as our weekly Duke of Edinburgh work we also took part in our Duke of Edinburgh expedition.  We all had brilliant fun – check out our video.

We want to say a big farewell to our S6 pupil leaving in the next couple of weeks and wish him all the best in his new adventures utilising adult services – he has been sneaking all his Nerf guns slowly over to Eilburn during his transition days! We can’t wait to share all his ‘best bits’ photos and a funny story or two at his leavers assembly this week.

Term 3 in Duntarvie 23-24

Well Spring is here (hopefully when the rain stops!) And what a quick term it has been in the senior class.  We have all been busy working on our individual SQA awards including completing a charity upcycle project as well as S6 finishing bronze Duke of Edinburgh volunteering to organise and run a coffee morning.

We have particularly enjoyed opportunities to experience and participate in lots of different groups this term.  Just check out our photos:

  • Assembly
  • Clown Doctors with Hearts & Minds
  • Exercise Group at Polbeth Hub with Heidi McDonald Fitness
  • Musically Active Dudes with MUSAC at Crofthead Centre
  • Archery with Paul of No-Limits Sports Club
  • Multi-sensory
  • Music appreciation with Chloe and Callum from Live Music Now

We hope you have a wonderful Easter break and are well rested for a busy last term.

Unique Fundraising Café

Thank you again for the wonderful support you all gave our S6 pupil in fundraising for the charity Unique and helping him to progress on his Bronze Duke of Edinburgh journey.

These are just some of the photos from the event and thank you again to all the children, staff, parents, carers, family members, friends of Beatlie and community groups who attended or donated for such a great cause.

Craig (Chief Operating Officer) at Unique also thanked Luca ‘Goodness me Luca, that’s absolutely amazing! £900 is incredible and we are so grateful to you all for your wonderful support. Unique is a small charity and we can only exist because of fundraising like yours… it means we can be there to help and support families when they need us most.’