Dechmont Infant School Blog

March 30, 2020
by User deactivated

Easter Bonnet Competition!

Remember I have started an Easter Bonnet competition this week! Use whatever you can find at home and be inventive! Upload your photos of you wearing your hat (without your child’s name written anywhere on the post please) and I will choose a winner over the holidays! Mrs Stenhouse

March 30, 2020
by User deactivated

Monday 30th March 2020- Good Morning Everyone!

Home Learning Dechmont P1 30.3.20 Home Learning Dechmont P2 30.3.20 Home Learning Dechmont P3 30.3.20

Here are your Home Learning tasks for today! You can do them in any order you like, just remember to upload some work to the blog or Twitter so I can have a look! Any questions, just let me know! Have a good day! Twenty minutes until Joe Wicks time!(I think I have just recovered from last weeks workouts!)

Mrs Stenhouse

March 29, 2020
by User deactivated

Week Beginning 30.3.20

Hi Everyone,

Hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are looking forward to another week of Learning at home! Look out tomorrow for your learning grid for the day, I will post it in the morning ASAP. Please, if you can, could you post at least 2 pieces of work on the blog/twitter so that I can see how the children are getting on. If you have any questions at all about the work set, please let us know. We are in this together so communication is the key!

Take care and stay safe! See you in the morning!


Mrs Stenhouse

March 26, 2020
by User deactivated

Fabulous Friday!

Hey Folks,

Well that’s the first week of school closure over. Hope you are all OK and not going too stir crazy.

You are all very quiet online! Lets try and get some comments going on twitter and the blog today so I can find out how everyone’s doing.

Here is the plan for today. I’ve planned some writing and also some time to finish off anything that you haven’t managed to get to this week. I know we are all finding our feet so if you could let me know how it’s going? Is it too much, not enough? Don’t worry though just do what you can do.

Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend!

See you next Wednesday.

Thinking of you all.

Mrs Short šŸ˜€

daily timetable 20_03_27Ā Apples writing plan 20_03_27 Bananas writing plan 20_03_27 Limes writing plan 20_03_27


March 26, 2020
by User deactivated

Thumbs up Thursday!

Morning everyone,

I was thinking about you all yesterday and wondering how you are all getting on. Remember you can talk to us through the comments on the blog and twitter. It would be lovely to hear from you all and hear how you are getting on. You can also post pictures on twitter in the comments or if you tag us in your tweet we will be able to see what you are up to.

We have been trying to get out in the garden everyday to get some fresh air. Are you guys managing to get some fresh air too?

Remember that school lunches are available at school everyday. Just pop up to school to collect them.

So here are your learning tasks for today. I’m trying to give you a bit of a mix of things. Try and do at least one numeracy and literacy thing each day. I’ve set your reading for today. Hopefully the site is working better today as it was playing up a bit yesterday. I found it worked better later in the day.

Anyway good luck. Let me know how you are getting on.

Take care

Mrs Short šŸ˜€


daily timetable 20_03_26 Numeracy 20_03_26 Reading Plan 20_03_25 virus booklet

March 25, 2020
by User deactivated

Daily Lego Challenge

Hey Folks,

Here is the overview for the daily Lego challenges. Remember if you don’t have Lego just use something else. Any kind of building blocks – megablocks, building blocks you could even use junk! Just get imaginative! The main thing is to build something everyday.

Today we are doing Day 2: Build a rocket. Go onto twitter to see the ones we made today.

You can extend your learning by doing some countdowns.

Numicons – Countdown from 10 to 0

Numbers – Countdown in twos from 20.

Digits – Countdown from fives or tens from 100.

Load them up onto twitter each day underneath the daily reminder.


Mrs Short šŸ˜€


March 24, 2020
by User deactivated

Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all doing OK at home and are managing to get some good learning done. Well done to those of you who have already been on Sumdog. I can see you have answered lots of questions. So far three P1’s have been on and two P3’s. Lets try and all get on this week. I have set follow up work for this weeks numeracy as well as some revision of things we have covered before. I’ll add more each week.

Have fun today. I will be doing Joe Wicks at 9am if you would like to join in too.

Take care

Mrs Short šŸ˜€Ā daily timetable 20_03_25 MUSIC P1 WB 20_03_23 30 MUSIC P2 WB 20_03_23 30 MUSIC P3 WB 20_03_23 30 Numeracy 20_03_25

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