Tag Archives: Enjoyment

p1/2 Assembly

The P1/2 class presented their IDL learning in a whole school assembly on Friday. They shared drawings of themselves with things they like and are good at. They had lovely drawings of their families, including some writing done on the computers.



They dressed up as what they would like to be when they grow up and showed their paintings to the rest of the school staff and children.



The paintings are on display in the classroom now.

Dying with Beetroot

The children pulled up the beetroot from the Polycrub. They washed it and chopped it and put it on to boil.


They cut a square of material and put it in a pan to boil with vinegar.

Once everything had boiled the beetroot was drained and the material put into the purply red juices.

This is Sophie’s instructions describing what we did.


P for Petals and Perfume

The children had great fun making perfume using petals from different flowers. There was honey suckle and fuschia as well as flowers from the school polycrub to make fantastic smells with.

They used small scissors and tiny spoons to create their perfumes in little glass jars and containers.

They were very proud of their final products. They named their perfumes and made labels for the little bottles.

Off to the Beach

We took advantage of the lovely morning and headed off for a walk to the beach. Dylan and Ross joined the class and everyone had such a super time.

The children were so curious about what they found at the beach, little whelks that ‘waved’ at them, lovely bits of pottery and seaglass(treasure), speedy crabs running side-ways, different kinds of shells and hopping creatures under stones.

They explored the rocks and the boats at the beach. They were really respectful of the environment and were aware of keeping themselves safe duiring our walk and at the beach.

Number formations in p1

The children have been practising the correct formations of numbers. They listen to stories, play outdoor and indoor games and practise writing them in sand and on whiteboards.

The children worked in groups of 2 to go out and collect lots of threes  of things. They worked really well with their partners and created lovely displays of their findings.

They are practising their counting by playing games and through lots of play and everyday activities.

They have been doing ‘speedy skills’ as part of their morning routine which is a great way to get in a little bit  more practise of how to write those numbers correctly.

last week they created Feathery Four who is the peacock in the story which is all about 4. He looks fabulous and the children were great at following instructions for making his tail feathers.

The children made jumps out of lego for Frisky 5 the kangaroo character to jump over.

The children made a swamp for Snappy Six which had 6 trees, 6 ducks, 6 rocks etc. This was great fun and  super exercise for those little fingers.

Beginning Phonics in P1

The primary 1’s love hearing their new sounds. They listen to a story, sing along to a song, play games on the whiteboard and practise formations.

They practise the letter formations in various ways including, in the sand, shaving foam, with playdough and on the whiteboards.


They have been doing speedy skills everyday to practise the letter formations and lots of hiding and searching games. They also have had ‘s’ for spaghetti, ‘t’ for tea to play in and ‘i’ for ink experiments.

They enjoy using the Jolly Phonics books to retell the stories and find all the things in the pictures which begin with the sounds they are learning.

I love seeing how well they are doing practising their formations at home. Lots of great ideas and support.


Making Soup from Scratch

The children  used vegetables they grew in the polycrub to make soup. They pulled up carrots onions and snipped some coriander leaves to take indoors.

They washed, chopped and prepared the vegetables. The children listened so well and were very careful with the vegetable knives.


The vegetables went in the pan with a stock cube, the coriander and some salt and the classroom smelt wonderful.




A few of the children liked the soup but lots of them said they didn’t- at least they gave it a go.

Rocket Mole

We read the story Rocket Mole in class then the children made their own little moles to launch into space!

Initially this needed careful cutting, designing, colouring and folding to make a little cone shaped mole.

The children all listened really well to instructions and loved getting their moles as high as they could by blasting them with the plastic bottles.