Make it fly

The children had a STEM activity this afternoon after discussing how birds fly.

First they had some simple instructions to follow . It was lovely to see the children helping each other with the tricky bits.

once they had made them they went outside to try them out.


Today the children enjoyed listening to the story of ‘The Elves and The Shoe Maker’. Last week in library time we read ‘Don’t Chew the Royal Shoe’, which was really funny.

So after some discussion about different kinds of footwear the children had a go at  making their own using various materials.

The children worked in pairs and had to help each other complete the task of having a pair of shoes each. They did really well and we spoke about co-operation and helping each other.

They were so chuffed to wear them when they were finished and we now have a bit of a shoe shop developing in the classroom.

Spinning Stem

The children listened to the story of Rumplestiltskin and then they all had a go at Drawing Club in little groups.

The children learned a little bit about forces and we focused on the spinning motion of objects which they have loved investigating.

They then made their own penny spinners and designed them so they would look really cool when they were spun around.

Soft Start

At the beginning of the day the children have freeflow play between the classroom and the shared area for the first half hour where they make choices for what to play with. Each area is carefully resourced to enable the development of different skills eg. co-operation, problem solving, numeracy, literacy etc.

This time is a super opportunity for children to share their news and to observe them in their play. It also provides time to focus on particular children and support them in different ways eg. phonics blending, emotional check in and social skills development.

I shall continue to add more photos to this post.