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Numeracy in P1

The Primary 1 children have been so busy this term practising number formations, playing number games and learning through so many  fun, active and practical ways.

With each new number we focused on they enjoyed a story and also  a practical activity, game or craft activity to go along with it.

I have only managed to get photos of some of the ways the children have been learning  about the numbers as it is a very busy environment with so many exciting things going on.

There are always maths activities in the classroom and shared area. Below are some examples of children measuring weight and volume in the tuff trays and water tray and there are also opportunities to learn about time and money in the classroom.


Soft Start

At the beginning of the day the children have freeflow play between the classroom and the shared area for the first half hour where they make choices for what to play with. Each area is carefully resourced to enable the development of different skills eg. co-operation, problem solving, numeracy, literacy etc.

This time is a super opportunity for children to share their news and to observe them in their play. It also provides time to focus on particular children and support them in different ways eg. phonics blending, emotional check in and social skills development.

I shall continue to add more photos to this post.