Tag Archives: Citizenship

RSPB Schools Birdwatch

Today Glen Tyler came to help us to complete the annual school grounds survey. We went out in four groups during the morning. We walked around the school grounds and then recorded what we had seen and submitted the results online. We also looked at last year’s results for the UK and Scotland. They were slightly different.

We saw house sparrows, starlings, a blackbird, herring gull and two mallard!

John Muir Day 2

On Friday 1st November, we had a great day exploring Kergord forest. Pete and John picked us up in minibuses and gave us waterproof clothes and rucksacks. We ran up across the field and into the woods. The first thing that we did was to sit still and listen to all the sounds around us.

After that John led us in a snake, under, over,  along and across the wood. We walked across the stream on logs and climbed up and through trees.

We went up to the house to have our lunch and then spend a while in groups making dens.

We went back up to the house to find out about fire making and then looked at everyone’s dens on the way down.

We really enjoyed all the activities and everyone put 100% effort into the day 🙂

BBC Radio Scotland Junior Historians

What a great day we are having, with Rhona Brudenell from BBC Scotland and Davie Gardner from Radio Shetland making a Junior Historian radio programme, about the Braer.

We are having lots of visitors in to talk to us and we have learned all about the Braer disaster. We have been learning how to ask good questions to find out the most interesting information.

The visitors today were Jonathan Wills, Helen Moncreiff, Jim Budge, Sheila Fowlie and Mary Blance.

Carla – It has been really good fun, we have learnt a lot.

Becca – It’s quite nerve racking peaking into a microphone.

Isaiah – I have really enjoyed listening to their stories, it’s been fun learning, like a treat!

Hari-Lou – It’s a bit odd, but exciting.

Robert B – I’m really looking forward to hearing it on the radio.


John Muir Day 3

On Friday 19th April, the P7s had their final John Muir day out with Pete Richardson. It was a beautiful sunny day and so Pete decided to take us up to Eshaness to have a wild cliff adventure.

He took us down onto a cliff beach for our lunch no.1 and then anyone brave enough could shuffle down another rock face and look into an enormous cave. There were puffins on the ledges and the kittiwakes were back on their nests.

We walked back up along the cliff a little bit further and then cut inland to the Holes of Scrada and the peerie broch.

Thanks Pete!




On Wednesday 29th August, the Primary 7s went to see a film called Breadwinner.

It was about a young girl called Parvana who lived in Kabul, the capital of  Afghanistan, in around late 2001. Since she is a girl, she does not have the same rights that boys have. When her father is taken to prison, she cuts her hair, and pretends to be a boy, so she can be the breadwinner for her family.

It was a very heartwarming film and it made us realise how lucky we are, and that we should be very grateful for what we have.

Emmy – I thought it was a very good film and the animation was beautiful.

Ronan – It was very interesting and it made me feel lucky for what I have.

Junias – I would give it 4/5 stars.

Tryphena – I thought it was very moving.

By Emmy and Lily-Jane P7