The New Primary 7 experience their first John Muir Challenge

The sun was shining, the sea was calm, which all  helped to make Primary 7’s first John Muir Day a huge success.  Everyone returned to school full of exciting  recounts about their canoeing adventure. There was a great sense of achievement within the class at over-coming fears and pushing their own boundaries.  A huge thank you to  all who enabled this trip to take place; John and Jill who lead the day, Mrs Leslie, John and Vaila who accompanied the pupils (even the grown-ups had a super time).

As Molly said on her return, “Can we just go back to the start of the day and do it all again?”

Everyone getting their buoyancy aids on .

Bertie ready to go.

People were taking photographs of us as we paddled

alongside the cruise ship Hebridean Sky.

A highlight was exploring inside a cave.

A well deserved rest.

We really enjoyed being able to jump into the sea.

We had to stand up and balance on the canoe.

Everyone agreed that it was the best day ever.

Lauryn said, “It was a new experience and I’d definitely do it again. It made me realise I can do things even when I think I can’t.”

Carys thought it was great fun and particularly enjoyed going in the cave.

“It was really great fun. It made me think positively,” said Zara.

Niamh was fascinated to see jellyfish in the cave.

Bertie commented, “Even though I was a bit stressed to begin with, overall it was a fun experience.”

Ciaran thought the whole day was great fun.

Michael said, “It was an amazing day and I hope to do it again.”






On the way back- everyone tired but extremely happy!

Tesco Fairtrade Visit

We had a visit from Community Champion Maureen Stevenson today. All the class had written lettters as part of the Fairtrade topic and Ayla had written to ask them about their Fairtrade products. Maureen brought in a whole range of food and products to taste 😋. We all enjoyed it very much 😆

Loch Insh day 4

Yesterday we were kayaking, canoeing, archery, problem solving and had a disco in the evening. What a fantastic end to the trip.

Logan has most enjoyed everything!

Reece especially enjoyed the canoeing

Luke loved the archery , problem solving and everything else.

Calum has enjoyed all of it too.

Kyle loved mountain biking and kayaking.

Ben loved the archery

Ms Scanlan loved the way that all the P7s were up for everything and put 100% into the week.

Loch Insh Trip 2017

We had a really smooth trip last night and after picking up Reece and Calum in Aberdeen, we headed to Landmark for an afternoon of fun.

At 4 we arrived in Loch Insh and we’re sitting in the restaurant now in the sunshine having our tea. Later on tonight we’ll be heading out for our first activity – way finding (orienteering).

I hope you enjoy the photos.


Terrific Scientific Forces

P6 have had a great day finding out about air resistance. We looked at videos of Olympic cyclists and saw how much air resistance affects their performances. We read about sports scientists and what they do in their jobs to help sports people achieve better speeds in their races.

In groups, we planned and carried out investigations into ways to change the speed at which objects drop and we watched a video about parachutes.

Today we planned and made things to wear to slow ourselves down, using air resistance. We each made a costume. We timed ourselves running a 50m race normally and then we did it with our costumes on to see how it affected our speed. It did, by between 1-4seconds! Here are some of the photos.

Scottish Opera performance

On Monday 5th June, Dunrossness, Sandwick and Cunningsburgh P6&7s came together for the big day that we have been practising for. We had a practice during the morning and then our dress rehearsal in the afternoon and then the performance at 2pm.

The children performed really well and Ms Scanlan was very proud of everyone. Victoria gets a special mention for her part as the devil!

NSPCC visit

Heather White came to visit us today to explain what the NSPCC does and why it is so important.

Their motto is ‘speak out and stay safe’

Ms White told us about three important children’s rights:

  • to speak to be heard
  • to be safe
  • to get help when you need it

She showed us the bag of worries and explained how it can get filled and how we can find ways to empty it.

Ms White explained that there are 5 different forms of abuse:

  • Neglect
  • physical abuse
  • emotional abuse
  • sexual abuse
  • bullying

and why abuse is not okay, or a child’s fault.

We shared ideas about who are trusted adults who could help us.

After she spoke to the P4-6s at assembly, all the P6s had a further workshop to discuss and think about lots of safety issues.

So here they are, the wonderful, fun loving new P6/7s Just another – Shetland site

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