Category Archives: Primary 5/6

Good Morning P6 – Tasks for 1/6/20


Good morning everyone, I hope you all had a good weekend with the beautiful weather and got a chance to relax. You made an amazing effort last week, thank you, it wasn’t our usual Health Week so it was great that so many of you made the best of it. Well done.

This week we are back to our usual timetable of tasks alongside the RL Olympics, where we are just outside the top 10 schools, that’s down to all your effort!

The tasks for today are posted in Google Classroom and run as follows;

Task 1 – Exercise activity. If like me you haven’t been out and about much you’ll feel very unfit, there are lots of exercise programmes to follow.  Joe Wicks is very popular.

Task 2 – Spelling. Choose the Jolly Grammar spelling list for your group and complete.

JG3 List 29

JG4 List 28

Task 3 – Go Noodle brain break.

Task 4 – Numeracy – Fractions (revision) There are two links and a booklet for you to complete. Create a fraction wall, answer exercise 1 & 2 and play the fractions quiz (mega easy).

Task 5 – Health and Wellbeing –  Mindful Task

Think about the statement;

Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day!

Look for what is good in your life,  draw out the magnifying glass and draw an example of something good from today, then write a few lines to tell me about it and why it was good.

Task 6 – R.E. Pentecost – This Sunday was Pentecost Sunday, where Jesus apostles were together and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Read the passage and complete the crossword.

Have a good day today, get out and enjoy the good weather. If you have questions message me and remember that you don’t have to print pages, just write the sentences on a some paper and take a photo or open a document online and send that.

Mrs Coyle



Parent Information – Emotion Works

Helping your child cope with their emotions at home

At St. Fergus’ Primary, we adopt a whole school approach to emotions awareness and regulation called Emotion Works. Your child/children have had lots of input on this and should be aware of each cog and what it means.

Emotion Works helps your child to understand why they feel particular emotions and be able to relate these emotions to a trigger (cause) and find a way to calm down and self-regulate. Expectedly, with the current ongoing situation, everyone will be feeling a range of emotions on a daily basis. We hope this flier will be useful to you in helping to keep your child/children calm in what is an uncertain and strange time for us all. It will also promote positive continuity and a recognisable vocabulary since this is what we promote in St. Fergus’.

Please click on the link below for further information.

Parent Information Leaflet- Emotion Works


Family Learning Events Evaluation

On Tuesday at Parent’s Night, our Head and Depute boys and girls will be asking you for your views on or Family Learning Events. Please take time to complete the online evaluation with them. We are always trying to gather your views to help us plan for future events. Please see below for the QR Code and Web link.

Robert Burns

Last week was all about Robert Burns. We learned lots about his life through our reading comprehension task and also through independent research. We used this information to create fantastic biographies about his life.  Later in the week, we used Robert Burns’ poems to inspire us with our own poem writing. We rounded off our week by reciting some Burns poems and songs. To hear our performances,  check out our SeeSaw profile!

P6 and P7 Stem Challenge

Thanks to all our parents/guardians who came in last week for the second of our class meetings. We completed another successful STEM challenge and I’m sure you’ll agree that the children were completely on task and contributing well, the photos below prove that!

Our challenge was to

Create a marble run that will keep a marble running for up to 60 seconds.

We were looking for

* effective planning and communicating 

* all members on task 

Take a look below at our ideas and how we managed to complete our task.















Christmas meals for the homeless

Another random act of kindness we decided on as a class was to raise money to see if we could feed some of our local homeless people this Christmas.

We made up small Christmas gift hampers and raffled these. We raised £100!! Due to such generous children in our school we are now able to donate 20 Christmas meals to our local community.

Well done again children!!

Annie with her fab Kevin the Carrot present!

Our wonderful ‘rafflers’!


Sara won a key ring making kit and some tasty chocolate!

Emilia wasn’t in today so Gabriella chose a prize for her and will deliver it to her for Christmas.

P6 and P7 local food bank donations

As one of our random acts of kindness during advent we started a food bank donations box. Between children and staff we donated so much that we had to split the food between two boxes! Steven from St. Ninian’s Church popped by to pick up our boxes and was absolutely delighted with our contributions.

How lovely to think that some local families will have enough food now to see them through the Christmas holidays. Well done again boys and girls!