All posts by Mrs O'Neill

P5S – Basketball 2

Image result for basketball

Today Anna came in for your second basketball lesson. This week you were adding to the skills learned in our previous lesson.

You were shown how to stand for perfect shooting opportunities – with two feet apart! Anna also taught us all about the B.E.E.F technique:  B: Balance    E: Eyes    E: Elbows    F: Follow Through. You then used this technique in some shooting practice. How did you do? Did you remember to use what you had been taught or were you still trying to score using two hands on the ball?

Next Anna showed you a wee trick that would ensure you scored every time. Some of you found this a little tricky however if you were using the BEEF technique you might have found it easier to do.

We finished off with some game practice where you were to put all of these new techniques into play. Quite a few of you are still forgetting to think about where you are passing the ball. Remember to take your time to look about, see who is free and use the correct passes.

Here are a few action shots from this afternoon.


P5 Tall Ship Trip – Parent Helpers Needed

Image result for tall ship glasgow

As part of our Titanic topic we will be visiting the Tall Ship in Glasgow on Tuesday 6th June. We will be leaving at 9.45am and returning to school around 2.30pm.  P5S requires 2 parent helpers and P5H requires 3 parents helpers.  If you are able to help, please leave a post on our class blogs or send a message in via your child’s school diary by Wednesday 24th May. This will allow us to give our parent helpers plenty of notice.

Thanking you in advance.

Mrs 0’Neill and Mrs Hughes

P5S – Homework w/b 15.5.17

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good afternoon everyone! I hope you have been having a lovely weekend despite the rubbish weather yesterday. Oscar and I got  VERY wet on our walks. Thankfully today is much better. Here is a rundown of homework and reminders for this week.

Spelling: Units 7 and 36 should be completed for Friday. As always, each word should be written out three times. Sentences for 6 of your words should be completed, neatly, in your jotter. Please remember to uplevel your VCOP as much as possible. Wow me with your wonderful sentences!

Reading:  Your core reader was issued last Thursday.  Once again, there will be no written homework as we will continue to complete our comprehension tasks for the core readers in class. As always, if there is any vocabulary you are unsure of, please take a note of it and we will discuss it in class on Thursday.

Please remember to read aloud to someone at home and try to use expression where needed. Your reading feedback form should be completed (if possible) by the person hearing you read aloud. This task should be completed for Thursday. Your core reader should be brought to school with you on Thursday to allow you to participate in the class lesson. A number of you are forgetting to do so!

Personal Reading Challenge: Our Personal Reading Challenge has began again. You have 6 weeks to reach the target you set last week. Please remember to bring your book to school as this will allow you to read it during our ERIC sessions.

Please remember to record the books in your reading passport as you finish them. The passport is kept in class. Remember this is your record of the number of books you have read so far this term.

Maths: Please access the relevant link below for your Maths homework. This should be completed in your homework jotter for Friday.

Group 1

Group 2

If you wish additional practice of your multiplication tables, please use the links below.

Multiplication Trainer

Division Trainer

  1. P.E. is on Tuesday and Friday . Please ensure you have a full kit with you in school. We may go outside for P.E. this week (weather permitting) therefore you should have suitable outdoor clothing with you: a jumper or waterproof jacket and field shoes.
  2. Our Fairtrade Tuckshop is on every Wednesday. Please remember to check our rota to see if you are in charge of the tuckshop this week. If you wish to buy something, please remember to bring the exact money to school. Details of prices can be found here.
  3. Please remember each group needs 3 empty water bottles for an activity we will be doing in a few weeks. They should be 1.75l in size, if possible.

See you all tomorrow.

Mrs O’Neill

P5S – Group 1 Maths Homework 15.5.17

Image result for maths symbols

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Work It Out!

  1. The Titanic had 4 funnels. Each funnel was 19m tall. If the tunnels were stacked on top of each other, how high would they be?
  1. There were 2,223 people on board the Titanic. If 1300 of them were passengers, how many were crew?
  1. There were 319 1st class passengers and 272 2nd class passengers. How many 3rd class passengers were there?
  1. Of the 2,223 people on board the Titanic, the Carpathia only managed to rescue 705 of them. How many people died in the sinking of the Titanic?
  1. Challenge Question: The Titanic left Southampton at midday on 10th April 1912.  She stopped at Cherbourg to collect passengers before travelling to Queenstown. She arrived at Queenstown at 11.30 am on 11th April 1912. How long did it take the Titanic to travel to Queenstown after leaving Southampton?

P5S – Group 2 Maths Homework 15.5.17

Image result for maths symbols

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Work It Out!

  1. The Titanic had 4 funnels. Each funnel was 19m tall. If the tunnels were stacked on top of each other, how high would they be?
  1. There were 2,223 people on board the Titanic. If 1300 of them were passengers, how many were crew?
  1. The Titanic had 1300 passengers on board. There were 319 1st class passengers and 272 2nd class passengers. How many 3rd class passengers were there?
  1. Of the 2,223 people on board the Titanic, the Carpathia only managed to rescue 705 of them. How many people died in the sinking of the Titanic?
  1. Challenge Question: The Titanic left Southampton at midday on 10th April 1912.  She stopped at Cherbourg to collect passengers before travelling to Queenstown. She arrived at Queenstown at 11.30 am on 11th April 1912. How long did it take the Titanic to travel to Queenstown after leaving Southampton?

Technology Masterclass 10.5.17

Image result for straws white plastic cup

What another interesting Masterclass we had this week! Each group was given another design challenge and a selection of resources. You were asked to use these resources to create the Eiffel Tower. Your Success Criteria this week was:

Your Eiffel Tower must be:

  • free standing (not leaning against something)
  • as close in design to the original as possible
  • worked on by ALL group members

How did your group do? Once again, ideas were being discussed and whiteboards were used to share design ideas.

We had some fabulous completed designs created. Have a look at the photographs and let me know what you think. Lots of fun was had this afternoon, so much so that one group have even asked if they can complete their design at lunchtime. I look forward to adding their completed tower at a later date. Well done to everyone for showing such enthusiasm.

Here are some photographs of you hard at work on your designs.

P5S – Library Visit

Image result for library bookworm

Yesterday we popped along to the library to change our books. After the great success of last term’s personal reading challenge we are aiming to keep it going. Once again a number of books were taken out so it looks like a lot of reading will be happening over the next few weeks. I particularly liked the fact that you were discussing the books you had chosen and decided to swap them with one another when you had finished them!

Thank you to our parent helpers. We couldn’t have gone without you!

P5S – Basketball

Image result for basketball

Today we had a lovely surprise when we heard that Anna was coming in to teach us some basketball skills. After some warm-up games you had some lessons on passing the ball. You had the opportunity to use bounce passes and chest passes with a partner. Next you were able to put these passes into practice when you played against one another in a few games. Great fun was had by all!

P5S – Homework w/b 8.5.17

Good afternoon everyone! I hope you are having a lovely weekend. and have been enjoying the glorious sunshine. This coming week will see us get back to our normal timetable now that our Rookie Rockstars concerts are over.

Here is your homework for this week. As the sun is due to keep shining I have changed our homework format for this week. Please read all areas to ensure you know what has to be completed.

Spelling: Spelling will be completed in class this week therefore there is no written homework.

Reading:  Your core reader was issued last Thursday.  Once again, there will be no written homework as we will continue to complete our comprehension tasks for the core readers in class. As always, if there is any vocabulary you are unsure of, please take a note of it and we will discuss it in class on Thursday. Please remember to read aloud to someone at home and try to use expression where needed. Your reading feedback form should be completed (if possible) by the person hearing you read aloud. This task should be completed for Thursday.

Personal Reading Challenge: You have 7 weeks to reach the target you set last week. Please remember to bring your book to school as this will allow you to read it during our ERIC sessions.

As there is very little written homework this week (and because hopefully the sun will keep shining) I would like you to increase your personal reading. Please take your book outside (or somewhere different) and read for at least an extra 15 minutes each night. Please ask someone at home to sign your diary to confirm you have done this.

Please remember to record the books in your reading passport as you finish them. The passport is kept in class. Remember this is your record of the number of books you have read so far this term.

H&WB/Writing: As we are having such lovely weather at the moment, your homework is to go outside and play! I would like you to then choose one day from this week and write a short (no more than 50 words) diary extract telling me what you did on that day. Please remember to include the relevant features we have been using in class, eg. time connectives, emotive language. This will make your writing more interesting. You should then post your diary extract on the blog and I will publish them all at the end of the week. Please remember to check you have used your capital letters and punctuation correctly. If you are unable to post on the blog, please complete a paper copy. This task should be completed by Friday.

Maths: There is no written maths homework this week.

If you wish additional practice of your multiplication tables, please use the links below.

Multiplication Trainer

Division Trainer

  1. P.E. is on Tuesday and Friday . Please ensure you have a full kit with you in school. We may go outside for P.E. this week (weather permitting) therefore you should have suitable outdoor clothing with you: a jumper or waterproof jacket.
  2. We have our next library visit on Tuesday. Please bring your library card and any books you may have taken out during our last visit so we can return them.
  3. Please remember, if you haven’t already ordered it, you can buy the Rookie Rockstar CD from the school at a cost of £5.00.
  4. Our Fairtrade Tuckshop is on every Wednesday. Please remember to check our rota to see if you are in charge of the tuckshop this week. If you wish to buy something, please remember to bring the exact money to school. Details of prices can be found here.
  5. Each group will require 3 plastic bottles for an activity we will be completing in class in a few weeks. The bottles should be 1.75l in size. Please start bringing these in as soon as possible.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend. See you all tomorrow.

Mrs O’Neill

Technology Masterclass 3.5.17

Image result for straws white plastic cup

What an interesting Masterclass we had this week! Each group was given a design challenge and were then issued with one plastic cup, a length of string, a bundle of straws and a strip of masking tape. You were asked to use these resources to create a bucket tower. You were also given the following Success Criteria:

Your tower must be:

  • able to hold a full cup of cubes
  • free standing (not leaning against something)
  • worked on by ALL group members

Did your group manage? I heard lots of chat and lots of ideas being shared. I liked the fact that a couple of groups used the whiteboards to share design ideas.

We had some wonderful designs created and after trying out your designs holding the cup of cubes some of you realised that you would need to make some changes. Well done, that is exactly what this challenge was all about!

Here are some photographs of you hard at work on your designs. Please show them to someone at home and let us know what they think.

P5S – Fun with Language!

Image result for figurative language

In class we have been looking at figurative language and how it can make our writing more interesting. We looked at alliteration, personification and simile. Can you tell someone at home what each of these are? Can you give them an example?

Using what we know about our class novel: One Dog and his Boy we created some figurative language of our own. The results were great! Have a look …….


P5S – Athletics – Long Jump

Image result for long jump cartoon

On Friday we continued with our Athletics topic. This time we were working on our long jump technique. This was quite tricky to do as we are started from a standing jump, rather than giving ourselves a running start before jumping.

In groups we looked at different ways of jumping across the hall and decided on which way would allow us to jump the furthest. Next we took it in turns to use our chosen technique to try and jump as far as we could. Our group members then measured the distance. What technique worked for you? There were some fabulous jumps being made. Please tell someone at home how far you managed to jump. Can you remember how to convert it from centimetres into metres?

Here are a few action shots.

P5S – Homework w/b 2.5.17

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good morning everyone! I hope you have had a great holiday weekend so far. We have another busy week ahead of us. Please keep reading for a note of your homework and reminders for the coming week.

Spelling: Units 5 and 34 should be completed for Friday. As always, each word should be written out three times. Due to our Rookie Rockstar commitments on Tuesday and Wednesday you do not need to complete any sentences this week.

Reading:  Your core reader was issued last Thursday.  Once again, there will be no written homework as we will continue to complete our comprehension tasks for the core readers in class. As always, if there is any vocabulary you are unsure of, please take a note of it and we will discuss it in class on Thursday. Please remember to read aloud to someone at home and try to use expression where needed. Your reading feedback form should be completed (if possible) by the person hearing you read aloud. This task should be completed for Thursday.

Personal Reading Challenge: Our Personal Reading Challenge has began again. You have 8 weeks to reach the target you set last week. Please remember to bring your book to school as this will allow you to read it during our ERIC sessions.

Please remember to record the books in your reading passport as you finish them. The passport is kept in class. Remember this is your record of the number of books you have read so far this term.

Maths: Please access the relevant link below for your Maths homework. This should be completed in your homework jotter for Friday.

Group 1

Group 2

If you wish additional practice of your multiplication tables, please use the links below.

Multiplication Trainer

Division Trainer

  1. P.E. is on Tuesday and Friday . Please ensure you have a full kit with you in school. We may go outside for P.E. this week (weather permitting) therefore you should have suitable outdoor clothing with you: a jumper or waterproof jacket.
  2. Our next library visit is on Tuesday 9th May. We require two parent helpers.  Please click here for further details.
  3. Please remember our Rookie Rockstars show which will take place on Tuesday 2nd May (Eagles and Ospreys) and Wednesday 3rd May (Hawks and Falcons) at Ingliston Equestrian Centre. All information relating to the night can be found here.
  4. Our Fairtrade Tuckshop is on every Wednesday. Please remember to check our rota to see if you are in charge of the tuckshop this week. If you wish to buy something, please remember to bring the exact money to school. Details of prices can be found here.

See you all tomorrow.

Mrs O’Neill

P5S – Group 1 Algebra Homework w/b 2.5.17

Image result for algebra

To tie in with our class topic this week’s homework will be on Algebra. Please complete the following equations in your homework jotter for Friday. I will go over how to lay out your answers in class however for those who may forget, please read the instructions below carefully. Please make an attempt at answering all of the equations.

Layout:  24 + a = 50  

                   a = 26

  1.  15  +  c  =  45
  2.  85  –   e  =  40
  3. 110  +  m  =  172
  4.  5  x  b  =  25
  5.  8  x  v  =  48
  6.  z  +  16  =  38
  7.  f  x  4  =  24
  8.  t  +  123  =  200
  9.  12  +  k  =  252
  10.  g  –  60 = 30



P5S – Group 2 Algebra Homework w/b 2.5.17

Image result for algebra

To tie in with our class topic this week’s homework will be on Algebra. Please complete the following equations in your homework jotter for Friday. I will go over how to lay out your answers in class however for those who may forget, please read the instructions below carefully. Please make an attempt at answering all of the equations.

Layout:  24 + a = 50  

                   a = 26

  1.  15  +  c  =  45
  2.  85  –   e  =  40
  3. 110  +  m  =  170
  4.  5  x  b  =  25
  5.  8  x  v  =  48
  6.  z  +  16  =  38
  7.  f  x  4  =  24
  8.  t  +  125  =  200
  9.  135  –  k  =  78
  10.  100 – y = 31

P5S – Amazing Algebra!

Image result for algebra

In maths this term we have been learning all about Algebra. It can be quite confusing using letters alongside numbers but with some more practice I am sure you will all have it worked out. Algebra is great for working on your mental maths skills (obviously if the calculations aren’t too tricky!) so where possible you should be trying to work out your answers in your head.

Today we played some games to help with our understanding of equations. You created your own equations with your maths partner and then we played some loop card games. Please tell someone at home what an equation is. Can you give someone at home a few equations to work out?

Here are some photographs from today’s maths session. One of our maths pairs managed to use our numbers and letters to write their names. Can you guess who it was? Have a close look at some of the equations made today. Can you work them out?

P5S – Library Visit – Parent Helpers Needed

Image result for library bookworm

Unfortunately we were unable to visit the library this week however I have organised another trip for Tuesday 9th May. We will be leaving school at 11.20 am and will return in time for lunch.Two parent helpers are needed on the day. If someone at home is able to help us, please leave a note on the blog or put a note in your diary.

Thanking you in advance.

Mrs O’Neill

P5S – Blackout!

Image result for blackout poems

In class we have been learning about Blackout poetry. We used an extract from our class novel, One Dog and his Boy, to create our own poem or statement. We had the option of linking our poem to the theme of our novel or creating something completely new. Please tell someone at home the steps we used in this task.

I was very impressed with your final pieces. They are now on the wall and looking fabulous. Well done!


P5S – Titanic Facts Fun

Image result for titanic

This afternoon we had our first research task for our Titanic topic. We used the new laptops to find out lots and lots of facts (some of which were very interesting). Can you remember where and when the Titanic left on her maiden voyage? What facts did you learn about the crew? When did the Titanic sink? How long did it take? Please share some of the facts you learned with someone at home.

Using these fascinating facts you were to create a group poster showing your new knowledge. How did your group do? We had a wee chat at the end of the day to see which groups worked well with one another today. I was pleased to see that you were all very honest with your feedback. Please ensure you are discussing any issues which may arise during topic tasks. You are a new group working together for the first time so you may need to compromise with one another at times.

The posters are looking great and I am looking forward to showing them off once they are completed. Just remember they should include facts and it’s not all about the illustrations.

Here are a few photographs from this afternoon.

P5S – Meet our Titanic Families

Image result for titanic

Last week we started our Titanic topic with our Home Team Challenge. With your new group you had to create a banner and include information you researched relating to family life during the early 20th century. You were given a list of names of families who were on board the Titanic during it’s maiden voyage and had to choose one for your group name. We had some very interesting choices made.

Meet our new term 4 groups.

The Franklin Family

The Webber Family

The Silven Family

The Evans Family

The Appleton Family

The Goodman Family

P5S – Athletics

Image result for athletics clipart

In preparation for our Sports day next month we started our Athletics topic on Friday during our P.E. session. After discussing the importance of building our stamina and fitness we put our own stamina and fitness to the test.

As a class we decided to start with 3 minute sessions (we felt the suggested 8 minutes was a little too long for our first attempt). With our partner we chose a starting point in the gym hall. One of you then ran, jogged or walked around the track as many times as possible in the 3 minutes while your partner counted the number of laps you completed. You then swapped with one another.

I was very impressed at the number of laps being completed. Well done! How did you do? Please tell someone at home. Please remember to pace yourself. If you run too fast at the beginning you will tire yourself out a lot quicker. Next week we are aiming to increase the number of laps (and time).

Here are a few action shots from our session.

P5S – Homework w/b 24.4.17

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good afternoon everyone! Another new week is ahead of us. Time really is flying by. Please keep reading for a note of this week’s homework and reminders.

Spelling: Units 4 and 33 should be completed for Friday. As always, each word should be written out three times and an uplevelled sentence should be written for each spelling rule word. Please remember to consider your VCOP in each sentence.

This week I would like you to focus on using  ambitious vocabulary in each sentence.  Try to think of ambitious vocabulary that will compliment your spelling words. You should try and use these alongside your ambitious openers and connectives. We are trying to use all of these together to make your sentences the best they can be.

Reading:  Your new core reader was issued last Thursday.  Once again, there will be no written homework as we will continue to complete our comprehension tasks for the core readers in class. As always, if there is any vocabulary you are unsure of, please take a note of it and we will discuss it in class on Thursday. Please remember to read aloud to someone at home and try to use expression where needed. Your reading feedback form should be completed (if possible) by the person hearing you read aloud. This task should be completed for Thursday.

Personal Reading Challenge: Our Personal Reading Challenge has began again. You have 9 weeks to reach the target you set last week. Please remember to bring your book to school as this will allow you to read it during our ERIC sessions.

Please remember to record the books in your reading passport as you finish them. The passport is kept in class. Remember this is your record of the number of books you have read so far this term.

Maths: WOW! Your maths homework last week was completed fantastically well by so many of you. You have really set the bar high for this term. Keep it up P5!

Please access the relevant link below for your Maths homework. This should be completed in your homework jotter for Friday.

Group 1

Group 2

If you wish additional practice of your multiplication tables, please use the links below.

Multiplication Trainer

Division Trainer

  1. P.E. is on Friday . Please ensure you have a full kit with you in school. We may be having an impromptu P.E. session outside (the day has still to be decided) therefore you should have suitable outdoor clothing with you: a jumper or waterproof jacket.
  2. Our next library visit is on Tuesday. We require two parent helpers.  Please click here for further details.
  3. Please remember to return your ticket request forms for our Rookie Rockstars show which will take place on Tuesday 2nd May (Eagles and Ospreys) and Wednesday 3rd May (Hawks and Falcons).
  4. Our Fairtrade Tuckshop is on every Wednesday. Please remember to check our rota to see if you are in charge of the tuckshop this week. If you wish to buy something, please remember to bring the exact money to school. Details of prices can be found here.

See you all tomorrow.

Mrs O’Neill