All posts by Mr Billen

Primary School Enrolment

If your child will be five before 28 February 2016 then it is time to enrol them for school.


If your child will be five on or before that date, you must register your child to start school during the registration week from 12 January 2015 to 16 January 2015.

The next school session begins on Tuesday 18 August 2015.

What happens if my child is five between 19 August 2015 and 28 February 2016?

These children are eligible to start school on Tuesday 18 August 2015 and you should register your child for primary school.

However, nearer to the start of the school year you may wish to  delay your child’s entry to school [737kb] if you think that they are not ready to start. You should discuss this with staff at your child’s nursery who will be able to help you make the best decision for your child. If you decide to delay your child’s entry to primary school you will be able to withdraw your child’s registration form.

It would be appreciated if you could make this decision by 31 May 2015.  Further information on deferred entry is available from all primary schools.

How do I register my child for primary school?

Each school has a defined zone known as a catchment area, and offers places in that school to pupils resident within that area.

You should visit your local catchment area primary school during the January registration week to register your child.  When you register your child you will need to take your child’s birth certificate and also your 2014/2015 Council Tax demand notice and a recent utility bill as proof that you live permanently at your address, as well as completing the  registration form [226kb]. The  registration form is also available in Polish [389kb] and  Romanian [253kb].

Christmas Lunch

On Thursday 4th December, pupils and staff gathered together to celebrate at the annual school Christmas lunch. 

Pupils wore Christmas crowns which they had cut out and decorated themselves, while enjoying a traditional dinner of turkey, sausages wrapped in bacon, roast potatoes and vegetables, all accompanied by the lights of the Christmas tree that the pupils had decorated.

The countdown has officially begun…..

C. Macintosh Essay Winners


On Tuesday 2nd December, pupils from Abernyte Primary attended the Charles Macintosh Memorial Essay Children’s Lecture where prizes were awarded for the best essays.

This year’s essay title was “Consider Your Enviornment”, with pupils having to consider different and contrasting types of environment; changes in our environment which cause damage to it and ways in which the environment could be improved.

Due to the fantastic effort from all pupils this year, everyone from Abernyte was awarded a prize, with additional prizes going to the overall winners in each section.  Congratulations to Joshua, Ellen and Lucy MD for writing the best essays in their category!

P1-3 do Kandinsky at Errol

On Thursday 12 November, P1-3 went to Errol Primary to join pupils there for a day of “Fun with Sound, Colour, Movement and Shape”.

Working with line, colour, shape and pattern, pupils worked collaboratively to create a giant painting based on the work of famous Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky.  While their masterpiece dried, pupils worked together to create movement and music based on the artwork they had created.

Mrs Brown’s Low Key Send Off

On Thursday 6 Novemebr, after 13 years of dedicated service, our very own Mrs Brown (Primary School Support Assistant extraordinaire) left us.  Staff (past and present) enjoyed a “Last Supper” together before pupils and Parent Council presented gifts and sang at a special assembly.  A great asset, Mrs Brown will be missed and we wish her all the best!

Halloween Party

On Friday 31st October, P1-7 pupils held their annual Halloween party, organised and run by P6-7.

Joshua (P7) reports:

“At the Halloween party there were lots of fun activities and there were prizes for each of the games. There were four games and here were some of them: Pancake Game, Pin the nose on the pumpkin, dunking for apples and the balloon game. The pancake game is when there is this pancake is on a line and you need to jump up to try and get the pancake. The balloon game is when you have a balloon around your ankles and you have to try and pop each other’s balloon.”

Junior Ryder Cup

On Monday 22nd September, P5-7 went to Blairgowrie to the Junior Ryder Cup.

Joshua (P7) says,  “At the Ryder Cup there were loads of junior golfers. We were a little late but we got to see some on them. Our class Abernyte Primary got signatures from golfers – one from America, two from Scotland. We got to go and do some golf on the driving range. There were loads of activities. We got to use the Driver and the Put. After all of that we got flags and it was a really fun day”. 

Rights Respecting Visit

On Friday 19th September, pupils from Abernyte visited Collace Primary to speak to the pupils there about being a Rights Respecting School.

Cara (P6) says, “At Collace we did a big talk on what a right is. The P5’s showed the other school some rights games. We had lots of fun. The P1-3 made pictures of rights to show the other children.  We used the microphone to say the presentation. We got a thank you card from Collace  and we helped the other children in to do the activities. One of the activities was a diamond ranking.”

Nursery Places for 2 yr olds

Early Learning and Childcare – two year old places

Strong Start places for 2 year olds.

Nursery Exterior


The government has committed to providing 600 hours of free Early Learning and Childcare for eligible two years olds whose parents meet certain benefits criteria. This must be in place by 31 October 2014 across Scotland. In Perth and Kinross we are calling these places Strong Starts and they will be available from August 2014.

Eligible children will join our Strong Start programme and will be able to access a maximum of five mornings or five afternoon sessions a week. Each session will be approximately 3 hours 10 minutes with start times agreed with individual schools.

Some two year children may be eligible for a place if a parent is receiving any of the following benefits:

  • Income support
  • Jobseekers Allowance (income based)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (income based)
  • Incapacity Benefit or Severe Disablement Allowance
  • State Pension Credit

For more information, see the Council website here:—Two-Year-Old-Places-in-Perth-and-Kinross

Health Day

On Friday 20th June, pupils, staff and parents joined together for the annual School Health Day.

The morning consisted of warm up activities, meditation and golf (with Mrs Holt’s professional golfer husband!) before stopping for a healthy snack and then a potted fun run.  After lunch, the festivities continued with boxercise followed by basketball with Mrs Legge’s son (a coach for Perth Phoenix basketball club).