All posts by Mr Billen

Gymnastics Competition


Molly reports:

“Abernyte P.S went to the schools gymnastics competition on the 9th of February 2016. At the gymnastics competition there were two teams. One of the teams did harder moves than the other team. When we got there we had to wait for the competition that was in the morning to finish.

While that was going on the more advanced team were warming up and practicing our routines. Once the competition that was going on had finished we were called up to preform our floor routine. We had to do our vault next, but we hadn’t ever done vault before so we got a little practice while everyone else was doing their floor routines. We did really well at our vault but sometimes we fell. When we were finished our vault the top three teams were announced. Unfortunately we didn’t get in the top three but we did come fifth.

While we were doing our vault the other group was warming up. Doing their routines and stretching. Then they were called up to do there floor routines and vault.”


Ellen reports:

“At Bell Sport Centre we had a gymnastics competition. We all got a routine then we practised it every week. A gymnastics coach came. She helped us. We had 2 teams: one team was in level 1 and the other team was in level 2. Layla, Bea, Anna and Lucy 2 where in level 1 and Cara, Molly, Lucy 6 and Ellen where in level 2. The level 2 team came 5th but we don’t know what place the level 1s came.  There were too many levels 1s.

Day of Dance


The day of dance is when each school choreographs a dance of their own, they can choose to dance to music that they want. We did a dance to 2 songs that were both English but sounded Scottish. We wore our gymnastic leotards and a white rag around our waists. When we got to Perth Concert Hall there were lots of people, we were on 13th so there were lots of dances to watch.


Read Write Count


Read, Write, Count: Together it’s fun

The Read, Write, Count Campaign (for P1 – P3 pupils and their families) has recently launched with a TV advert which will run through the month of February. The ad is part of a campaign to encourage parents to spend more time doing fun literacy and numeracy activities with their children. There will also be adverts on large outdoor poster sites, on trolleys in Asda and in digital advertising. Read, Write Count has an excellent website, a Facebook page and twitter account. Simply search for ReadWriteCount, like and follow.

Perth & Kinross Council is celebrating the launch of the National Read, Write Count Campaign which is aimed at the parents of children P1-P3. Storyteller Gerard Durkin will be entertaining families at the North Inch Community Library on Saturday 6 February 2016, between 11.00 a.m. and 12 noon. This event is free to children and their families. Places must be booked by contacting the North Inch Community Library. (01738 454406). Promotional gifts will be handed out to families on the day.

Christmas Nativity

Lucy, Anna & Titchy

On Tuesday 15th December, the pupils of Abernyte Primary performed the Nativity as part of their End of Term Service for family and friends.

Anna and Lucy (P1) write:

“We were Joseph and Mary. The play was called Christmas  with the Aliens.  There was  lots of songs . It was fun. A horse was brought by Lucy and she rode the horse in the play.”




The Witches at Dundee REP


On Wednesday 9th December, the pupils of Abernyte Primary went to the Dundee REP theatre to watch their rendition of Roald Dahl’s classic children’s story “The Witches”.

“It was BRILLIANT” said Molly and Lucy(P6).

Layla and Ellen said:
“We went to The Witches. Mr Billen and Ms Mackenzie came with us. We got to go to the front row because lots of schools could not come. In the interval we got ice cream or an ice lolly. The Witches was very amusing, sad and funny, even though the boy’s parents were sadly killed in a car crash – the road was slippy.”

Junior Carsonians

P1000083Cara writes:

“The Junior Carsonians met up at Longforgan Primary School. All the groups showed each other the research on Patrick Matthew’s family tree. Everyone was amazed at ours because we had built a 3D family tree. We all learnt a lot about Patrick Matthew because everyone contributed.

The Junior Carsonians went on a trip to the Archive in the AK Bell Library. We went to the archive to learn about Patrick Matthew. When we got there we got split into 2 groups. The group which I was in went into the archive room and got lots of documents to look at. We saw the Abernyte School book – it was really exciting. The groups switched and I got to go in to see all the old documents.”

Poppy Appeal


Congratulations to the Abernyte Primary School Pupil Council for collecting a record breaking total for Poppy Scotland this November – they collected more money this year than any other year that they have collected, with an amazing £761.89 raised (not bad for a school of only 8!).

Thanks to everyone who donated money this year and helped support Poppy Scotland.

Bea and Lucy (P6) wrote:
“We all got our own area to sell poppies. We also put some poppy tins in the Antique Centre, Horseshoe Café, Inchture Hotel, Abernyte Church and one here in Abernyte School. We managed to raise £761.85. It has beaten all records since 1981. We all helped count the money. Cara said “It was fun even though I did it in the rain”.”

St Andrew’s Day of Dance


On Wednesday 18th November, pupils from Abernyte Primary went to Bells Sports Centre in Perth to join with other schools for the St Andrew’s Day of Dance.

Nearly 1000 pupils came together to perform a variety of traditional Scottish ceilidh dances, including Gay Gordon’s, Military Twostep, Dashing White Sergeant and Strip the Willow.

Molly writes:
“At the Day of Dance we got to do lots of dances including the Flying Scotsman, Reel for Genie and Gay Gordons. There were loads of other schools who were dancing as well (even some of the teachers joined in!). The event was held at Bells Sports Centre. Some schools got to sit on chairs but we got to sit on mats which was so much more fun! When you were dancing you got so sweaty, so we missed out some dances (we didn’t know some of the dances either).”