The blog is going through a wee bit of a redesign as your Librarian is learning more about Web 2.0 applications and how to integrate them into the blog.
In the first instance, in the right hand column, you will find Internet Bookmarks for your Projects which will supplement the internet hotlists you can access through the library website. The bookmarks are collated using a Web2.0 application called Delicious which allows you to access your own bookmarks from any computer. It also allows you to share your bookmarks with other people.
The internet was once just a reference tool which you used to search for infomation. Now, many websites are much more than a source of information and you can interact with them. Web 2.0 sites allow you to communicate, share and interact with information and people in a virtual environment. It is how the internet is now developing and growing.
Some interesting Web 2.0 sites: Brainstorming
Survey Monkey: Create online surveys
Wordle : Word clouds
Social networking sites such as Facebook & Bebo, blogs, and wikis are all part of the Web 2.0 family
Social Bookmarking: Diigo; Delicious; Furl; StumbleUpon
Media Sharing: YouTube; Flickr; Dumpr
Social cataloguing (eg. of your books): Librarything
Virtual World: Second Life
Massively multiplayer online games are also part of the Web 2.0 generation. A good list of some of these MMOs can be found on Wikipedia