We are now half way through the term. Wondering where the time has gone!
Today saw an S1 class doing some library induction activities, following up from a group discussion and map drawing exercise last week. Today pupils filled in their own personal library maps.
They also had a first look at CfE Outcome LIT 3-11a Reading for Enjoyment and choice
I regularly select and read, listen to or watch texts for enjoyment ans interest, and I can express how ell they meet my needs and expectation and give reasons, with evidence, for my personal response
I can identify sources to develop the range of my reading.
“From the start of term I have been reading in class, home and in the library.”
“From the start of term we’ve been reading in class and at home.”
“Since the start of term I have been reading The Hunger Games which I picked myself and really enjoying it.”
“I chose a book to read and it’s good but confusing.”
“I have been choosing books that I enjoy reading from the library and at home.”
“I enjoyed reading George’s Marvellous Medicine in the library.”
“I chose books that I enjoy or ones that people recommended to me.”
Afterwards, pupils spent 15-20 minutes doing personal reading.