St Andrew's High School

Domine Dirige Nos

May 17, 2019
by Mr McCrossan

Weekly Update: 13th – 17th May

  • Sports Day 

Thank you to all our pupils in S1-3 who contributed to making this years Sports Day an absolute cracker. A great sporting competition across each year group. Medals will be presented at the Sports Prize-giving where we will announce the S1 & S2 class champions along with the S3 Sports Champions.  An extra special thanks is extended to the wonderful staff & senior pupils of our school who are always there to help us on Sports Day. Without their help & support to the PE department throughout the day we just couldn’t run an event of this size.

  • Netball  Success

Congratulations to our S1 Netball Team who were victorious in their Playoff Final against Caldervale HS, winning gold medal & the overall League Championship Trophy. All players have had a magnificent season & thoroughly deserve the Championship win after a hard fought game. Congratulations to Maria Chalmers who has won the S1 player of the year award.

Several of our students also picked up awards with the North Lanarkshire District squad.  Kaitlyn Berry won the Player of the Year Award for the U15 squad with Maria Chalmers winning the Most Improved Player Award.  In the U17 squad Victoria Carey picked up the Most Improved Player Award.

May 13, 2019
by Mr McCrossan

The Man, The Music, The Show

2 members of our school community recently enjoyed an amazing experience with Mrs Lynas (Social Subjects) & Cody Carswell (S4) performing on stage with Hugh Jackman at the opening of his The Man, The Music, The Show world tour at the SSE Hydro.   Both are members of the incredible SoundSational choir that was chosen to perform in front of 13,000 people at the opening 3 nights of the worldwide tour.  

The choir also enjoyed a performance live from the BBC Scotland studios on The Nine television programme.

Well done to Mrs Lynas, Cody & the rest of the SoundSational choir, what an amazing experience for them all.

May 13, 2019
by Mr McCrossan

Weekly Update: 7th – 10th May

  • Castlerigg Manor Retreat 

40 S1 students enjoyed at weekend retreat at the Castlerigg Manor in Keswick.   Students enjoyed a variety of fun filled activities along with time for prayer and reflection.  Thanks to Mr Cassidy & the RE department for organising and for supervising the trip.

  • Inset Day

We welcomed Tom Sherrington to St Andrew’s to deliver an in-service day presentation around Teaching & Learning strategies

  • Sports Day

Sports Day takes place on Wednesday the 15th of May.  The team sheets for each class are now up on the boards in the PE department.  Students can check their events during interval, lunchtime or when they are in PE.  A reminder that all students in S1 and S2 will be competing along with those students in S3 who have entered.  Any student in S3 who has not entered will be required to attend classes as normal.

  • Dancing Success

We had many dancing successes recently with Donella and CorraJo Campbell both winning the Central Scotland Irish Dancing Championships at under 15 and u13 level.  At the Dance Destination event in Dunoon – Cara Crossan won the under-16 lyrical and freestyle, as well as the duo grand final with Lauren Kennedy.

Donella & CorraJo attend the Peter Thompson Gallagher Academy of Irish Dancing with Cara & Lauren dancing with the FM School of Dance.

  • Gaelic Football

S1-3 students took part in a Gaelic Football Tournament against St Ambrose HS on Friday.  Unfortunately it was St Ambrose who came out on top but with only a handful of regular Gaelic Footballers playing the performances were good.

May 3, 2019
by Mr McCrossan

Weekly Update: 29th April – 3rd May

  • SQA Examinations

The SQA examinations are well under way with students sitting exams at National 5, Higher & Advanced Higher levels in Politics, Biology, Music Technology, Modern Studies, Mathematics & Practical Woodworking.

Next week’s exams will be in Spanish, English, Photography & Chemistry.

  • Primary Transition Visits

Principal Teachers of Pupil Support and Depute Head Teachers have begun the next stage of the Primary Transition programme.  Accompanying staff are our students of our Columba 1400 group who will be working with the Primary 7s to introduce our new School values that will be launched next year.

  • Power Up

The Power Up club has started back up for another block for students in S1-3.  Students enjoyed a spin on the new bikes and are looking forward to some trampolining next week.  Students will also go through the Heart Start training course and learn basic First Aid techniques.  Week 1 saw them learning about the recovery position.

Power Up runs every Thursday after school and students can register their interest with Mr Shaw (PE), Ms Power (Support for Learning) or Mr Ward (Science).

  • Netball

Well done to the S1 netball team who won their North Lanarkshire league semi-final  against St Margaret’s and now progress to the Final against Caldervale.  Commiserations though to the S2 netball team who were beaten in their semi final.

  • Tinto Hill

Any S1 students who are wanting to attend the Tinto Hill climb need to return the tear off slip from the letter received at the assembly to Miss Campbell in Social Subjects as soon as possible.

  • Eco Group & Gardening Group

The Eco Group The Gardening group have been busy working on the vegetable patch and will begin work with the planting of onions and potatoes soon.

  • Lost Property

We have a large selection of lost keys, glasses & watches in the lost & found.  Please contact the school office if you think an item may belong to you.

April 30, 2019
by Mr McCrossan

S6 Last Day

Tuesday the 23rd saw our S6 students celebrate their last official day at St Andrew’s High School.  Following the usual shirt signing in the morning the students celebrated Mass with Father James and their parents before the farewell speeches from Mr Elder, Mr Holmes and our School Captains Lewis Egan & Cara Kiernan.   The staff had a special leaving gift for the students with another Oscar worthy recorded showpiece, thanks to all staff who contributed to this.  The students then reminisced on their time together with the Leavers Montage video.

We wish all S6 students (and those students in S4 & S5) good luck in their SQA examinations and on the next stage of their life journey now that their time here at St Andrew’s High School has come to an end.

April 22, 2019
by Mr McCrossan

Weekly Update: 16th – 19th April

  • SQA Mass for S4 & S5 Students

Thank you to Fr James for celebrating our S4 and S5 SQA Mass and for organising our Lenten Confessions which were very busy.

  • S3 Focus Group Workshop

We would like to thank Dave Hook for a really engaging and exciting workshop with Mr Shaw’s S3 Focus Group this morning. This original workshop was using hip hop music to encourage resilience in our young people. All students thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

  • Netball Success

Both our open netball teams faced each other in the Gold medal match in the NL Netball League final.  Congratulations go to our Diamonds team who were victorious in winning the league title with the Sapphires team finishing as silver medalists.  A great achievement for both teams.  Congratulations to Alana Carey who has won the player of the year for the Diamonds Team, and Mairi Brennan who has won the player of the year for the Sapphires Team.

It was also the last game for our S6 students Penny, Atlanta, Rebeckah, Marisa & Alanaand we thank them for the incredible dedication, attitude & effort they have given us over the last 6 years.

Congratulations also to the S3/4 Netball Team who were victorious in their Playoff Finals tonight, winning gold medal & the overall League Championship Trophy. All players have had a magnificent season & thoroughly deserve the Championship win.  Congratulations to Sophie Hamill who is the S3 player of the year and to Victoria Carey who is the S4 player of the year.

  • Subject Successes

Well done to this month’s Social Subjects Achievement Avenue winners – Rosie Hamill S1, Sophie McLaren S2 and Sophie Hamill S3.    The winners of our Mr Findlater’s top spellers were : 1st – Ellie Hill, 2nd – Luke Thomson, 3rd – Ben Emans.  Well done to Sophie Nelson who won Mr Revell’s S1 ‘Yer’ a Belter!’ competition.  Sophie like so many others has worked really well in Art and Design this year.

  • S6 Personal Development Duke of Edinburgh

Our S6 Personal Development Boys were away camping out all night as they completed their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award.

March 26, 2019
by Mr McCrossan

Weekly Update: 18th – 22nd March

  • S3 Business Management Choccy Challenge

S3 Business classes launched their artisan chocolate treats on Thursday during lunchtime.  Students and staff came along to buy some delicious handmade goodies made as part of the Choccy Challenge.  Well done to all students involved, the quality of the goodies was first class.

  • Pupil Successes

Congratulations to S6 student Marisa Valente who achieved the following results at the recent UDO British Championships 1st – duo over 18 intermediate 2nd – team over 18 intermediate 4th – solo over 18 novice.  Well done Marisa.

Congratulations also to Nadine Ward (S5) following her trampolining success at the weekend & her selection to represent Scotland at the regional finals in June down in Birmingham.  Well done Nadine.

Claire Connor of S5 also gained success with her drama group the Kirkintilloch Players who were crowned Western Division champions and will now compete in the Scottish Final.  Well done to Claire.

  • S2 RE Retreats

We were delighted to welcome back NET Ministries Scotland to deliver another excellent series of workshops for S2 Students.

  • BBC STEM Careers Event

Some of our S2 girls enjoyed a trip to the BBC Studios as part of the BBC STEM Careers Event.  The students took part in a number of STEM challenges as well as a weather workshop with BBC presenter Kirsteen MacDonald.

  • S1 Report Cards

S1 reports card were issued to students on Thursday the 21st March, any student in S1 who was absent or has not received their report should see Miss McNicol, Mrs Halavage or Mr Elder.

  • World Book Day 2019

To celebrate ‘World Book Day 2019’, the Library ran a competition called the ‘Books Quiz’. The winners were: Angel Renjith – 1C Abbie Madden – 1D.  They both chose books from a selection and also received an Easter Egg.

  • Munich Trip 2019

A reminder to all senior pupils going on the STEM Munich trip that their remaining balance is due before Friday 29th March. Students should also bring in their passports to be photocopied if they have not already done so.

  • Lion King 2020

The Performing Arts faculty are very excited to announce that they will be running a trip to see the Lion King on January 30th 2020 at the Edinburgh Playhouse. This will be open to all music & drama pupils who are studying either subject next year (S3-S6)… More details to follow.

March 21, 2019
by Mr McCrossan

Easter School

Details of our Easter School programme are attached. Easter school will run from Monday the 1st to Wednesday the 3rd of April. Sessions begin at 09:00 and finish at 12:00. Lots of opportunities across many subjects for students and we encourage as many students in S4-6 to sign up.

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