St Andrew's High School

Domine Dirige Nos

February 6, 2020
by Mr McCrossan

Weekly Update: 27th – 31st January

  • New York trip 2021
    • Letters for USA OCT 2021 trip are now available, any student currently in S3 that is interested in attending should collect a letter from Mrs Lynas and Mrs McMahon in Social Subjects.
  •  Robotics
    • Our Robotics team were out at the New College Lanarkshire Motherwell Campus competing in the VEX Robotics Scottish Regional Finals.  Thirteen teams from five local high schools were battling it out to be crowned champions with the competition being fierce.
  •  Maths Department – Sharing Good Practice
    • Two teachers from the Maths department visited Cardinal Newman High School in Bellshill to observe lessons and share good practice with their Maths department.  We then welcomed  two colleagues from the Cardinal Newman Maths department for some more lesson observations.  A really worthwhile experience for the Maths department.
  • Lion King
    • The Music & Drama department enjoyed a trip through to the Edinburgh Playhouse Theatre to take in the Lion King stage show.  Everyone who attended thoroughly enjoyed the live stage performance of the Disney classic film.
  • Battle of the Bands
    • Battle of the Bands takes place in Motherwell concert hall on Tuesday the 18th of February at 7pm. Tickets and transport cost £10 and are available from the music department at lunchtime or interval. Please come along and support the band!
  •  Art
    • We welcomed artist Ross Muir to our Art Dept.   Ross gave an inspiring presentation to our S3 pupils and we thank Ross for the presentation and the signed gifts for the pupils.  Examples of the work can be seen on twitter.
  • Sporting Success
    • Well done to Kevin Kennedy of S3 who finished 3rd in the Scottish Powerchair League Cup with his Clyde Powerchair team this weekend
    • Well done to our S2 and Open Netball teams who won their matches against Cardinal Newman. Players of the Match were Kayley Sim for the S2 team & Katie Hamill for the open team. Well done everyone

January 29, 2020
by Mr McCrossan

Weekly Update: 20th – 25th January

  • S5/6 Prelim
    • The S5/6 prelims were concluded this week.  Thanks to our invigilating team for overseeing the examination diet and to all staff for supporting and preparing our students.  Staff are now busy marking the final prelims and students will receive their feedback in due course.
  • S2 Careers
    • Thank you to our SDS team for preparing S2 students as they approach choosing their S3 Options. Particular thanks to Gillian Tannahill who has met one to one with almost all of our S2 students.
  • S4 Performance Review
    • Senior staff had a very thorough S4 Performance Review this week in relations to maximising attainment potential.  The conference was extremely worthwhile and thanks to all who contributed, particularly to PT PEF staff Ms Higgins & Mr Shaw for pulling together all the data  and organisation of the discussion points.

Upcoming Events

  • S2 Parent Evening 
    • The S2 Parent Evening takes place on Monday the 3rd of February.  S2 Students have been issued with appointments sheets and it is important that students
  • Immunisations
    • Immunisations will take place throughout the day of 24th March 2020.  This will affect all S3 boys and girls as well as some S4 – S6 pupils.  More details to follow closer to the time.

January 19, 2020
by Mr McCrossan

Weekly Update: 13th – 17th January

  • S5/6 Prelims
    • The first week of the S5/6 prelims has been completed.  The 2nd week of prelims runs from Monday the 20th – Friday the 24th, students are reminded to check the SQA noticeboard for all details of exam dates, times & venues.
  • College Applications
    • Senior students are reminded that applications for College courses is now open and encourage students looking to apply for a college course to do this as soon as possible.  Appointments can be made with our careers advisers in the school library or through Principal Teachers of Pupil Support.
  • Saturday School
    • Our Saturday School programme will begin on Saturday the 15th of February and will run every Saturday until the 14th of March.  Full details of the programme will be released in the coming weeks.
  • S4 Reports
    • S4 students were issued with their final reports.  Any parents or carers with any queries should contact Principal Teachers of Pupil – Miss Trainer or Mrs Halavage.
  • S1 Parents Reporting Evening
    • Thanks to all parents and carers who attended the S1 reporting evening.  We hope the feedback given about each of our S1 students was beneficial and thank parents and carers for their continued support.
  • St Andrew’s Hospice
    • Our Hospice Ambassadors presented a cheque to St Andrew’s Hospice for the sum of £994.  This comes for the sale of the Christmas stock and we thank everyone who purchased an item that contributed to this incredible amount.

January 13, 2020
by Mr McCrossan

Weekly Update: 6th – 10th January

  • Welcome Back
    • We welcome everyone back to St Andrew’s High School and hope everyone had a great & relaxing Christmas break wish everyone every success in 2020.
  • S1 Parent Night
    • The S1 Parents Evening takes place on Monday 13th January from 4pm until 6.30pm.  All pupils have been issued with appointment sheets.
  • S5/6 Prelims
    • The S5/6 prelim examinations takes place from Monday the 13th to Friday 25th January.  All relevant information for prelims can be accessed on the SQA board near the social area.
  • S2 Subject Choices
    • To help prepare our S2 students to make appropriate subjects choices for S3, each S2 pupil will be given a one to one interview with our careers adviser Ms Tannerhill.  These interviews will take place during the month of January.
  • Scottish Schools International Squad
    • Congratulations to S2 students Ami Robertson & Caitlin Moran who have both been selected for the U15 Scottish Schools International Football Squad.

December 16, 2019
by Mr McCrossan

Weekly Update: 9th – 13th December

  • Social Subjects – Achievement Avenue Reward Trip
    • Well done to Kirsten McLean who was the Bowling Champion, pipping Mr Mullen with a 117 points total.
  • Girls Into Physics
    • Our S3 Physics girls attended a Girls into Physics event this week at the Institute of Physics. They took part in a series of different workshops throughout the day with the favourite being making ice cream with liquid nitrogen.
  • My World of Work Ambassadors
    • Throughout the week our fabulous S3 My World of Work ambassadors have enjoyed working with our S2 PSHE classes
  • Geography Talk
    • Thank you to David from Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) who delivered a talk to our S5/6 Geographers sitting Higher and National 5.  All pupils and Mrs Lynas and Mr Shaw found David’s experiences so interesting and useful for their course.
  • Football
    • Well done to our U16 Football Team who defeated Braidhurst 3-1 in Lanarkshire Cup tonight with a hat trick from Rhys McKendry.  Rhys shared the Man of the Match award with Connor Plunkett.

December 11, 2019
by Mr McCrossan

Read to Succeed Survey

As part of the Scottish Attainment Challenge North Lanarkshire Council asked parents, teachers and librarians to support the Read to Succeed pledge for new S1 pupils.  The aim of this project was to encourage children to read more by providing them with books they could read and books they wanted to read, as well as providing opportunities for this reading to take place and the author visits to S1 earlier in the year.

To help understand how this pledge and initiative has made pupils and parents feel about reading, you and your child are being asked to complete a short survey. This survey will ask what you/your child think about reading, how often you/your child read and the kinds of things you read. Data gathered from this survey will be kept confidential, held securely and be kept for no longer than necessary.

No parents/carers, children or schools will be identified in the research findings. The findings will be used in a report for the Scottish Attainment Challenge and summary information will be presented to schools and other establishments within North Lanarkshire.

Please click on the link below to access the survey.

Read to Succeed Smart Survey

December 11, 2019
by Mr McCrossan

Upcoming Events

  • S5/6 Glitterball Dance
    • The annual Christmas Dance for senior students takes place on Wednesday the 19th of December from 7pm until 10pm.  Tickets cost £5.
  • S1/2 Christmas Disco
    • The S1/2 Christmas Disco will take place on Wednesday the 19th of December during periods 5 & 6.
  • Christmas Concert
    • The annual Christmas Concert takes place on Tuesday 17th of December at 7pm.
  • Non Uniform Day
    • We will be having a Non Uniform Day on Wednesday the 18th of December. Pupils can come to school in appropriate non uniform items of clothing. £1 donation is required with proceeds going towards our Christmas Charities & will be collected in the social area on entry on the 18th.
  • Bike Repair Day
    • On Monday the 16th of December we will be having a bike repair day. Any students/staff can bring their bike in to school to have repairs made free of charge. (This doesn’t apply to bikes that require a major repair). A great opportunity to get any minor faults fixed.
  • S1 & S2 Dodgeball Tournament
    • The S1 & S2 Dodgeball Tournament takes places on Monday the 16th (S2) and Tuesday the 17th (S1) during periods 5-7. Entry fee is £1 and anyone wishing to take part must have signed up & bought their ticket before Friday the 13th of December.

December 10, 2019
by Mr McCrossan

Weekly Update: 2nd – 6th December

  • S4 Prelims
    • The first week of S4 prelim examinations took place this week with students studying English, Admin & IT, History, Geography, Engineering Science, Physics, Music, Spanish & Modern Studies all being tested under SQA exam conditions.
    • The prelims continue next week with Maths, Design & Manufacture, Art & Design, Drama, Chemistry, PE, Computing Science, Woodwork and French prelims all taking place between the 9th and 13th of December.
  • Sporting Success
    • Well done to the Open Netball Team who won their Scottish Cup match  against Duncanrig. A great performance from each of the players with some outstanding passages of play.  Player Of The Match was Victoria Carey.
    • The U15 Football team defeated Our Lady’s HS (Motherwell) in the Lanarkshire League  3- 1, goals from Darren O’Donohue, Joshua Grace & Eamon Campbell.  Leo Slavin was Man of the Match.
    • Well done also to Kian McCann (S4) who signed a playing contract with Celtic FC this week.
  • s3 Retreats
    • Students in S3 were joined by NET Ministries this week for the next round of retreats in RE.  Once again a thoroughly enjoyable and engaging experience for all involved.
  • S6 Personal Development Group
    • The S6 Personal Development group have been busy preparing cakes for our senior citizens who are coming for tea, cakes & entertainment next week as part of their inter generation programme.

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