Weekly Update: 7th – 10th May

Castlerigg Manor Retreat  40 S1 students enjoyed at weekend retreat at the Castlerigg Manor in Keswick.   Students enjoyed a variety of fun filled activities along with time for prayer and reflection.  Thanks to Mr Cassidy & the RE department for organising and for supervising the trip. Inset Day We welcomed Tom Sherrington to St Andrew’s to deliver an in-service day presentation around Teaching & Learning strategies Sports Day Sports Day

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Weekly Update: 29th April – 3rd May

SQA Examinations The SQA examinations are well under way with students sitting exams at National 5, Higher & Advanced Higher levels in Politics, Biology, Music Technology, Modern Studies, Mathematics & Practical Woodworking. Next week’s exams will be in Spanish, English, Photography & Chemistry. Primary Transition Visits Principal Teachers of Pupil Support and Depute Head Teachers have begun the next stage of the Primary Transition programme.  Accompanying staff are our students

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S6 Last Day

Tuesday the 23rd saw our S6 students celebrate their last official day at St Andrew’s High School.  Following the usual shirt signing in the morning the students celebrated Mass with Father James and their parents before the farewell speeches from Mr Elder, Mr Holmes and our School Captains Lewis Egan & Cara Kiernan.   The staff had a special leaving gift for the students with another Oscar worthy recorded showpiece, thanks

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Volvo Apprentice Vacancies

There are a number of apprenticeship vacancies currently available with Volvo.  Any student who is interested in these vacancies should see the attached information sheet,  closing date for applications is Friday, 17 May 2019. Volvo Apprentice Vacancies April 2019

Weekly Update: 16th – 19th April

SQA Mass for S4 & S5 Students Thank you to Fr James for celebrating our S4 and S5 SQA Mass and for organising our Lenten Confessions which were very busy. S3 Focus Group Workshop We would like to thank Dave Hook for a really engaging and exciting workshop with Mr Shaw’s S3 Focus Group this morning. This original workshop was using hip hop music to encourage resilience in our young

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Weekly Update: 18th – 22nd March

S3 Business Management Choccy Challenge S3 Business classes launched their artisan chocolate treats on Thursday during lunchtime.  Students and staff came along to buy some delicious handmade goodies made as part of the Choccy Challenge.  Well done to all students involved, the quality of the goodies was first class. Pupil Successes Congratulations to S6 student Marisa Valente who achieved the following results at the recent UDO British Championships 1st – duo

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Easter School

Details of our Easter School programme are attached. Easter school will run from Monday the 1st to Wednesday the 3rd of April. Sessions begin at 09:00 and finish at 12:00. Lots of opportunities across many subjects for students and we encourage as many students in S4-6 to sign up.  


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