5th December 2017

The annual Memorial Mass took place on Friday 24th November and was attended by a number of family members of ex Our Lady’s pupils who lost their lives in the war.  Thanks to our school captains Rebecca and Erin who read the Roll of Honour on the evening.

Mrs Millar and Ms Macfadyen took a group of S6 pupils to the Scottish Parliament recently for the St. Andrews Day Debating Tournament 2017.  The pupils had a great experience and once again were great ambassadors and a credit to the school.

Thanks to Mrs Connor and Andrew House for the  St Andrew’s Day celebrations that took place last week including stalls, Quiz, Wear tartan day, etc…

The Micro Tyco Trade Fayre took place recently. Each S3 MicroTyco group was been given a loan of £1 to start up their enterprise project. Money raised will repay their loans and help provide business loans in the developing world through WildHearts.  Projects included Guess the Baby photos, guess the number of sweets in the jar, raffles, excellent home baking etc… As a result of their endeavors over £460 was raised – well done everyone!

Our first Numeracy Evening for parents of S1 pupils took place recently.  If parents are going to be in a position to help with homework they will sometimes need a bit of support in doing so.  The way I was taught Maths/Numeracy (many years ago now!) is not the way that I actually taught Maths over the years, showing pupils how to tackle particular topics.  As long as there is a consistent approach from school and home we can help improve the Numeracy levels of our young people.  There are 2 more evenings planned over the year – keep an eye out for the next one. Thanks to the Maths department for organising and running this event.

Fr Martin delivered our Advent assemblies recently.  Always a busy time of the year, it is always good to stand back, take stock and remember what this time of the year is all about.

The Technical department recently made a visit to the Forth Crossing with a group of senior pupils.  They had a great time and learned about the many different opportunities that are available in engineering.

The S4 prelims are underway in some subjects now.  Good luck to all our S4 pupils.  The link to the timetable is available via:


Don’t forget our Christmas Fayre takes place this Saturday in the school.  Come along and support us!

Forthcoming events:

  • Thursday 7th December – S5/6 Parents Reporting Evening
  • Friday 8th December – S4 Prelims commence
  • Saturday 9th December – Christmas Fayre
  • Monday 11th December – NLC Schools Music Group Concert in Motherwell Concert Hall
  • Thursday 14th December – School Concert
  • Monday 18th December – Christmas Jumper Day
  • Monday 18th December – S1-3 Ceilidh
  • Tuesday 19th December – Senior Citizens’ Party
  • Tuesday 19th December – S1 Panto Trip
  • Wednesday 20th December – S4-6 Ceilidh
  • Friday 22nd December – school closes at 2.30pm.

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