Monthly Archives: June 2018

HT Blog – 26th June 2018

On the 7th June young people from across Scotland gathered at the Clyde Auditorium in Glasgow to receive their Caritas Award. Pupils have worked throughout the year volunteering in the school and in their Parish community and reflecting on their Faith journey. The Awards were a great celebration of all the work that has been happening – well done to all!

SCIAF is a charity that we are always keen to support and so congratulations and well done goes to our students and teachers who took part in the SCIAF Ben Nevis challenge recently.

After many months of preparation the big day finally arrived – S6 Prom! Pupils turned up at Dalziel Park Hotel looking fabulous and enjoyed a great night to finish off their time in Our Lady’s.  There was a great attendance from staff – testament to the high esteem in which the year group were held.

Our group of staff and pupils returned from Malawi having had a fantastic and humbling experience. We are looking forward to hearing more about their trip in the new session.

We try to offer opportunities for our pupils to lead learning and this has been happening recently with our new S6 pupils delivering lessons on Drown Prevention to some of our younger pupils in PHSE.

Pupils gathered recently from across the country for the Aid to the Church in Need Rally at Motherwell Concert Hall. 40 of our new Caritas pupils from our new S6 pupils went along and are already talking about how they can support ACN next year.

A representative from St Andrew’s Hospice visited the school recently to talk to our new S6 pupils and we were delighted at the large number of pupils who came forward at the end to sign up for the Ambassador’s Programme.

We finished off the year with an excellent Junior Awards Ceremony, celebrating the successes of many of our pupils in S1/2/3. The ceremony was led by pupils and involved groups from each year group speak of  some of the great things that have been happening throughout the year. The awards were presented this year by our school Chaplain, Fr Martin Delaney. Unfortunately Fr Martin is leaving us as he has been appointed as Parish Priest of St Aloysius in Chapelhall and Sacred Heart, Salsburgh.  We will miss him in Our Lady’s but wish him every success.

It has been an exciting and enjoyable year for me in my first year in Our Lady’s and I am thoroughly looking forward to next session. Thank you to everyone for your support of this wonderful school and for the support and welcome you have given me personally.

I would like to finish by wishing you all a fantastic summer. See you in August!

Forthcoming Events

Thursday 28th June – School closes at 1pm

Tuesday 7th August – SQA Results Day

Wednesday 8th August – S5/6 Pupil Options Interviews for anyone wishing to make changes

Tuesday 14th & Wednesday 15th August – Inservice Days

Thursday 16th August – Pupils Return

HT Blog – 5th June 2018

S1 – 3 recently took part in their own annual Champions League football competition. This became a quite competitive and that was down to some of the staff involved! They don’t like losing!

The new S2 took part in Climate Day.  Mrs Smith and Mrs Jeffrey pulled together a programme for the day involving a number of different staff looking at climate change, getting the pupils to look at their own carbon footprint and to write down their solutions to personally improve it.

Sports day for S1/2/3 took place recently and we had great weather for the pupils to take part. In the end it was Sinclair House he came out on top overall! Well done to everyone who took part and thanks to the Lifestyle Development department for organising a great day.

We were delighted to have been involved in the recent Lisbon Lions tournament and the boys did well to make it to the Finals that took place at Celtic’s training ground in Lennoxtown.  We did not win but the boys performed well and were a credit to the school.

The SQA exams are now completed for another year. It’s now time to forget about these for a while until the results come out on Tuesday 7th August. Thanks to Mr McQuillan for coordinating these important exams and liaising with staff in arranging additional support where required.

Congratulations to Niamh Docherty, who recently won a design competition. Her fashion design was the first on  the catwalk at the Kelvingrove Art Gallery for the Glasgow Kelvin College fashion show recently. The actual garment is now displayed in the foyer!

Well done to our S1 pupils who recently walked up Tinto Hill in support of St Andrew’s Hospice – a wonderful cause.  And thanks to all of you who sponsored them in their venture.

There are a number of activities going on in PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) at the moment. A particular focus has been that of summer care and looking after our skin. The booklet for this can be found on our school app, which is available to download for free.

Well done to Charlie who has won the NLC Safer Internet Day challenge! S1-S2 pupils created posters in PSHE & Charlie’s was selected by a panel from the Child Protection Committee, CL&D, Education & the Police. Charlie was presented with a certificate and a prize of £200 for OLHS!

S3 had a fantastic day of speaking and debating with led by Suzanne from the English Speaking Union Scotland. Everyone was hugely impressed by the number of pupils willing to stand up in front of their whole year group and argue their case.

Congratulations to the Techno Textiles team who won the Teamwork Award for their survival jacket in the Material World Go4Set Challenge 2018. They worked very hard and are proof that STEAM: Science Technology Engineering Art and Maths can lead to a bright future!

The survival jacket and award are on display in the front of the school if you would like to see their design.

Once again a group of pupils signed up for the York trip.  This trip left on the Sunday, returning on the Thursday and had a great time.  They were complimented for their exemplary behaviour by their fellow hotel guests who initially panicked slightly at the thought of a school group staying in the hotel!

We had our Mass of Welcome for our Primary 7 pupils who will be joining us in August, along with our new S6 pupils.  They were joined by a large number of family and friends and parents also had the opportunity to meet up with their child’s Pupil Support teacher. Fr Martin celebrated the Mass and we are very grateful to him for the constant support he gives the school. The P7 pupils are now joining us for a couple of days to get an experience of the school before they start in August.


And finally good luck to Mrs Hill, Miss Simpson and our 3 senior pupils, Shannon, Chloe and Michael as they head off on the Malawi trip. We will hopefully be kept up to date with their progress on Twitter!


  • Tuesday 5th June – Parent Council Meeting
  • Tuesday 5th & Wednesday 6th June – P7 Induction Days
  • Tuesday 5th June – Malawi trip leaves
  • Thursday 7th June – Caritas Awards Ceremony
  • Monday 11th June – S6 Prom
  • Thursday 14th June – National Schools Mass in Falkirk
  • Sunday 17th June – School trip to France leaves
  • Monday 25th June – Junior Awards Ceremony at 7pm
  • Thursday 28th June – School close at 1pm