HT Blog – 5th March 2019

Preparation continues in the school for the SQA exams with only about 7 weeks until the first exams takes place. Over the next few weeks practical exams are taking place in Music, Drama and Hospitality and there are write ups taking place in Social Subjects and Admin & IT. It’s a busy time but the pupils are doing really well so far.

In order to help with the preparation Mr Smith has organised a stress relief programme during S4/5 PSHE over the next few weeks to help pupils relax – these include Yoga, metafit, relaxation in the Nurture room, scavenger hunt in Dalziel Estate, etc… It’s important that pupils get the work/life balance correct at what can be a stressful time and so we are delighted to offer this programme this year.

This is also a busy time when we start to prepare the timetable for the next session, 2019/20. In order to do this we have a number of year groups making Options for the following year. We had an Options information Evening for parents recently to let everyone know what was involved in the process and we were delighted with the numbers that came out on the evening. S2 also had an opportunity to sit down with a careers adviser from SDS to have a discussion about their ideas for the future and the implications that this may have on their choices. Options interviews are well under way now with Pupils Support and SLT meeting individually with pupils.

There are a number of pupils undertaking the Sports Leader award in S5/6, which involves coaching groups of younger pupils. They have recently been involved in working with an S1 class. Well done to all those involved!

We are extremely lucky to have a Library in the school and also a full time librarian. Mrs Macfadyen not only spends a great deal of time working with pupils during interval and lunchtimes but also working with departments across the school. Recent examples of this include:

All S1 Art classes have visited the Library to learn about the World Book Day book token competition, discuss eye catching design and gain inspiration from the fabulous covers on the books around them.

Mrs Millar / Mr Maxwell’s S2 English class are completing their blogs on homelessness: proofreading, adding images, hyperlinks, tags and sources.

Mrs Letham’s S2 Social Subjects class investigated potential suspects in the assassination of President Kennedy and prepared to present their conclusions.

This is an excellent resource in the school and we are grateful to Ms Macfadyen for her support and enthusiasm.

As we move into Lent Fr McPhail our school chaplain has offered to celebrate Mass each day throughout this period of time.  Mass will begin at 8.35am and will be finished for the pupils starting class at 8.55am.  Pupils are encouraged to come along and parents or anyone else in the community are also invited to join us any day they can manage.

Forthcoming Events:

Wednesday 6th March – Ash Wednesday (Masses will be celebrated for all pupils and staff)
Tuesday 12th March – S2 Parents’ Evening (4 – 6pm)
Tuesday 19th March – P7 Open Evening (7pm)
Wednesday 20th March – Careers Fayre (all pupils will have an opportunity to attend this event in the school)
Thursday 21st March – Spring Concert (tickets are on sale from the Performing Arts Department)
Wednesday 27th March – NLC Concert in the Royal Concert Hall
Friday 29th March – School closes at 2.30pm for the Easter break.
Monday 15th April – School reopens.
Friday 19th April & Monday 22nd April (Good Friday and Easter Monday Holidays)
Wednesday 24th April – Last day for S4/5/6 before exam leave.
Thursday 25th April – SQA exams begin.

2 thoughts on “HT Blog – 5th March 2019

  1. Fantastic update. I am delighted to read about the stress relief programmes being delivered during PHSE. It’s encouraging to learn that our children’s mental health is being considered during this time of stress. Thanks to Mr. Smith for this I wonder if there is something that could perhaps be done weekly for all pupils during lunch break? Perhaps a mindfulness session or group chats where each week a subject is tabled for discussion that could have pupils opening up about mental health, bullying, self harming etc?

    1. Post author

      Thanks for your response. Your idea is something we can explore as we try to tackle the many issues surrounding mental health that our young people may experience.


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