HT Blog – 1 November 2021

Class Masses

Thanks to Fr Ness who has spent a great deal of time in the school celebrating Class Masses – 13 Masses so far since we came back after the October break.  This has been an enormous undertaking and we are grateful to Father for his commitment to the school.


We are now in a position to start having assemblies again, albeit in half year groups.  We took the opportunity to highlight some of the basics, eg. uniform, the use of mobile phones (which are not allowed out in school), behaviour in the community, etc…  It was great to have the chance to talk to the pupils in this forum again to get some messages over.

Parents’ Evenings

With the restrictions that are in place we are unable to have parents on-site for a Parents’ Evening. We are working on setting up a virtual parents’ evening for parents/carers of S1 pupils, scheduled for Tuesday 23rd November.  An email will be sent with instruction to set up appointments.  If you have a new email address or have not been receiving emails from the school, please contact the school with up to date contact details at:

(Please note that all the school email addresses for staff and office changed in the summer. As a result any school email addresses that you may have, ending ‘…’, are no longer in use).

Drama Prelims

Prelims took place for Nat 5 and Higher pupils in Drama recently.  I saw some of the practices and watched some of the performances – and was really impressed with the confidence of the pupils and standard of the work. Well done!


We welcomed a number of student teachers in the school recently in Maths, English, Business, PE, Home Economics and Art.  We wish them all the best in their placement and have no doubt they will

Climate Change Conference

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North Lanarkshire held an online climate conference recently and we were able to et pupils involved in this including our Higher Geography pupils and our recently established Eco Committee pupils.


Prelims for the S4 pupils are due to begin at the start of December. Mr McQuillan is working on the timetable for this and will get it out to pupils as soon as it is ready.


✓ Car park, parking lot, vector icon premium vector in Adobe Illustrator ai ( .ai ) format, Encapsulated PostScript eps ( .eps ) format

There have been complaints from local residents about cars being parked across driveways at the end of the school day as pupils are waiting to be picked up.  Please be aware of where you are parking if picking up pupils.

Forthcoming Events

9th November – S2 trip to Bannockburn

15th November – Inservice Day (holiday for pupils)

16th November – Annual Education Mass in the Cathedral at 7.30am

23rd November – S1 Parents’ Evening

2nd December – S5/6 Parents’ Evening

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