HT Blog – 5 December 2019

The S1 Parents’ Evening took place recently, giving parents the opportunity to speak to a number of teachers about progress to date. Some teachers teach several S1 classes and therefore, unfortunately, there is not the opportunity to have an appointment with every parent. However, there is always the opportunity to contact the Pupil Support teacher if anyone has any concerns about a subject or progress to date. That aside, it was a very successful evening and feedback from parents and staff was very positive.

As you will be aware we have recently updated our Mission, Values and Aims and we are doing various things to promote these in the school including new displays which are starting to be put up around the building. Last week our assemblies focused on our value ‘Foster Relationships’ and highlighted to pupils what this meant and what everyone’s role was in living out this value. This was also an opportune moment to talk about bullying.

Catholic Education week is now Catholic Education fortnight and takes place annually between 16th November (Feast of St. Margaret) and 30th November (Feast of St. Andrew). On the weekend of 24th November senior pupils and staff visited local parishes where a short speech was given by one of the pupils. It is always good to get into the parishes and give the pupils the opportunity to talk about Catholic Education and what we are doing in Our Lady’s.

Pupils and staff joined others from across the diocese at the Education Mass in the Cathedral celebrated by Bishop Toal on 26th November.

We also had some of our Caritas giving groups of pupils from our local Primary schools (Cathedral PS, St Bernadette’s PS and St. Brendan’s PS) a tour of the Cathedral. This tour was developed last year in the diocese to mark the anniversary of the 1918 Education Act and we were delighted that the Primary schools were keen to take up the offer of doing it again this year. The S6 pupils doing the tour were fabulous and a credit to their families and the school. Well done!

Thanks to all of you who came along to support the Christmas Fare this year and to the staff and pupils who spent a great deal of time preparing for this. It was a great event and raised about £1400 for school funds.

Each year there is a Remembrance Mass in our beautiful War Memorial Chapel to remember those connected to Our Lady’s HS who died during the war. It was a lovely Mass celebrated by Bishop Toal and we were joined by many of the families of those who had lost their lives, some travelling up from down south just for the occasion.

Andrew House recently organised a number of events throughout the week in the lead up to the Feast of St Andrew’s to raise funds for the Hospice. There was staff v pupils netball, Guess the Teacher’s Baby Photo, leg waxing, a quiz, teacher and S6 leg waxing and a bake sale. Thanks to Mrs Conner and Andrew House for organising these events for a good cause.

There have been a number of football and netball matches taking place recently with a number of great successes. Thanks to all the staff who take teams and prepare the pupils for matches. You can keep up to date with PE Department twitter account OLHS PE (@OLHS_PE) for updates on all these activities.

I had the opportunity for a site visit recently to see the work being done for our new 3G pitch. So far, all is going well as the weather has been kind and we are still keeping to plan. It is good to see things progressing so quickly and will definitely notice a big difference by the time we break up at Christmas.

As we are now in Advent, we are organising to offer the Sacrament of Confession to our S1, S3 and S6 pupils (other years groups will be during Lent). Thanks to Fr Ness for not only helping organise this but also for taking the time to speak to pupils to help them prepare.

Our Christmas Concert takes place in the school on Wednesday 11th December.  Tickets are available from the Performing Arts Department – first come, first served.  It is always a sell out!

The S1-3 Ceilidh is on Monday 16th December and the S4-6 Ceilidh is Tuesday 17th December.  Tickets are on sale in the zone for these and both are ticket only events.  Pupils have been practising their social dancing in preparation for the big event!

Forthcoming events
• Thursday 5th December – S5/6 Parents’ Evening
• Friday 6th December – start of the S4 Prelims
• Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th December – NLC Schools’ Music Groups Concert
• Wednesday 11th December – OLHS Christmas Concert
• Thursday 12th December – Senior Citizens’ Party
• Monday 16th December – S1 – 3 Ceilidh
• Tuesday 17th December – S4 – 6 Ceilidh
• Thursday 19th December – School closes at 2.30pm for Christmas break
• Monday 6th January – School reopens.

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