Tag Archives: Interdisciplinar learning

The Rainforest Wall

We have started a new topic called the rainforest. Rainforests are usually called jungles because the rainforest has long grass that has never been cut and that means it is very very long and there are lots of animals and plant species but there are still many to discover. Our class has been working on the rainforest for a couple of weeks and we have learned a lot but we have still got a lot more to learn. We will tell you a little bit about the rainforest.The rainforest is a place where lots of animals and plant species live. There are also tribes who live in the rainforest. We learned that there are four layers in the rainforest and we are learning the different layers that each of the animals come from at the moment. We have began our rainforest display in our class. Jorgia and Steven did the art work for the background. We think they did a great job!!

Building our rainforest
Building up the Canopy and Emergent Layer

Thats all for now bye.

Bobbi and Nicole