After our weekly swimming lessons on Tuesday 3rd May, Mrs Gibb met us at the swimming and we walked to the bowling as a treat for being part of the Cracking Calendar Company.

We arrived at the bowling about 10.30am but the bowling wasn’t open yet. Oops a bit too keen!!

We set up camp outside and ate our snack. The sun was starting to peek through the clouds but it was quite windy and our hair was wet because we came straight from swimming.

After about ten minutes one of the bowling staff came and opened the door. We were so excited! We were organised into teams of 6 per lane.

We collected the bowling balls and filled all of the racks. Some of the balls were really heavy so we decided not to put these on the rack. The blue ball was the lightest – about 6kg- but there wasn’t enough of them for everyone so we had to share them between all of the lanes. The green ball was the one that most of us used for our ten pin bowling. It was the second lightest – about 8kg.

Then Mrs Wallace, Mrs Rawlinson and the p1-2 class arrived and filled up the rest of the lanes. There were lots of parent helpers there to help the little ones. Gemmas’s Step Dad was one of the helpers. He helped the wee ones to lift the bowling ball on to the slide. We didn’t use the slide because we could manage to throw the bowling ball, but we did have the side rails up to stop the balls landing in the gutter all the time.