The video takes about 20 seconds to move on from the first slide, but it is worth watching. Well done Kim on producing an excellent Personal Project.
Miss Docherty
The video takes about 20 seconds to move on from the first slide, but it is worth watching. Well done Kim on producing an excellent Personal Project.
Miss Docherty
Last week was parents night that is when parents come in and see your teachers.Your parents look at your work then they go up to your teacher when its your turn.You are allowed to go up with you mum or dad to see if you are being good or bad at school.When you are at the parents night you can go to the book fair and buy a book or stationary.The book fair is really good and it has really funny books.
Abby and Katie
hi we’re going to tell you about Lee’s mum’s pet shop.
In the pet shop they have rabbits, hamsters, finches,fish and lots more cool stuff . It is called perfect pet’s.
It is in Coatbridge, opposite the fire station. You should come and visit if you are in the neighbourhood.
Here is a link to perfect pets
Bobbi and Lee
Primary 5 at Chapelside Primary are proud to be taking part in the World Blogging Challenge March 2011. We have carried out some of the challenges so far and we look forward to taking part in more challenges over the coming weeks. We enjoy visiting and commenting on other blogs and we also love receiving comments from all over the world.
Today was Mad March Hair Day and lots of the children and teachers at Chapelside Primary arrived at School with extremely mad hair. There were some hair dos but most people went crazy and had hair donts. It was very amusing to see everyone walking around and doing their everyday tasks with their crazy hair. It was a brilliant day.
Miss Docherty and The Brilliant Bloggers
At Chapelsdie Primary the pupils are invited to attend their Parent’s Evening with their parents/guradians. Many children attended and had the opportunity to share their opinions about their report.
How did you feel about being invited to attend your Parent’s Evening?
Miss Docherty
The 18th of March is Mad March Hair Day at Chapelside Primary.
I am looking forward to seeing all of the funky hair dos and Hair donts.
Hello my name is Kim Lambert and I’m going to tell you about our E-PortFoliGlows. Our E-Portfoliglows are where we post special things that happened lately. If you haven’t been on our E-PortFoliGlows here’s a link. We have 27 E-PortFoliGlows look through them all, nearly everybody has added something to their E-PortFoliGlows. Some people have put Voki’s on here’s one. Here is also a Voki if you don’t know what a Voki is
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My name is Kim Lambert I have created a survey and click here too take the <a href=” How often do you go on Brilliant Bloggers blog?online surveys “>survey
By Kim Lambert