I hope you are having a nice time miss D, I really miss you lots. Lots of love Bobbi !! xoxox ! <3
All posts by Bobbi
Perfect Pets
hi we’re going to tell you about Lee’s mum’s pet shop.
In the pet shop they have rabbits, hamsters, finches,fish and lots more cool stuff . It is called perfect pet’s.
It is in Coatbridge, opposite the fire station. You should come and visit if you are in the neighbourhood.
Here is a link to perfect pets

Bobbi and Lee
Science Day
On the 17th of Febuary we had a science day.We had lots of liquids like washingup liquid,shampoo and lots more we had to follow the instructions step by step to see if water can mix with oil.We went round two classes and did lots of fun stuff like looking through microscopes,making little droplettes from oil prufe papper and lots more.we have lots of pictures of us trying to make different liquids.

On Friday we had a showcase.It is when most of your family can come and see what you have being working on for the past couple of months.It wasn’t just any showcase, it was a maths showcase it was lots of fun. We had 3 groups to show Mums and Dads what we were doing in maths.
By Bobbi,Nicole and Nathan