A BIG Thanks!!

I would just like to say a big thanks to all of the children and the parents/guardians for their kindness and generosity. The kind words in the cards and the beautiful gifts and flowers were not necessary but were very much appreciated.

It has been a pleasure working with primary 5 this year I wish them every success in primary 6 and beyond.

I look forward to reading what they are doing on the blog next year – so remember to keep posting!!

Thanks again, it has been a wonderful year and I will miss each and every pupil very much.

Miss Docherty

One thought on “A BIG Thanks!!”

  1. Miss Docherty
    We also enjoyed being in contact with you and your students this year, even if it was from the other side of the world. Our school year dosen’t conclude until December, so if you want to get in contact with us with our students later in the year with your NEW class we’d love to hear from you.
    Mr Webb and Room 8, Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand.

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