Primary six

I am looking  forward to a new year  in p 6 . We are nervous to go and  I will miss  Miss docherty so much. We love her so much and we will miss her. I think we  will need  a tissue for our tears. Miss D is the  best teacher ever,  I will miss you but still I am looking forward to a new teacher in p6 and a new head teacher and a new first aider too .


One thought on “Primary six”

  1. Hi Erin

    I will also miss everyone next year. I have really enjoyed teaching in P5 this year and having the opportunity to see so many wonderful achievements take place. It has been a very eventful year and I am pretty sure, well actually certain, that I will need some tissues for my tears. It has been a pleasure getting to know all of the wonderful personalities in P5 and I know that your teacher next year will also enjoy working with each and every one of you.

    I hope that you will all keep our blog up and running next year, we have worked so hard to build up our blogging buddies around the world, so don’t forget to visit the blogs on our blog roll and check in to see what’s going on in classrooms across the world.

    I know that you are going to be the best primary six class in the whole of Scotland next year.

    Keep Blogging!!!

    Miss Docherty

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