S5/6 Parents Evening Wednesday 15th November
We are looking forward to welcoming the parents/carers of our S5/6 pupils along to Cumbernauld Academy on Wednesday 15th November 2023 from 4pm – 6:30pm.
This is an opportunity to meet your child’s teachers in person with the opportunity to gain feedback on attainment and progress across the first few months of this session. It is hoped this information will allow you to support your child with their education as they progress further into S5/6. For efficiency we are organising bookings online.
Information on how to make bookings is provided in the link below alongside the invitation email sent out earlier today.
Please find below some further points to note.
- Only appointments that have been pre-booked can be taken.
- Meetings are scheduled for a maximum of 5 minutes.
- Meetings will have a minimum of 5 minutes between appointments to allow travel to next teacher
A map will be provided online prior to the event to explain the location of each teacher. S5/6 Parents Evening
Parental Newsletter 5th November 2023
New College Lanarkshire Open Days for Senior Pupils & Parents/Carers
New College Lanarkshire will be holding Open days on the following dates:
- Coatbridge Campus: Tuesday, November 7th
- Cumbernauld Campus: Wednesday, November 8th
- Motherwell Campus: Thursday, November 9th events
All events will run from 3pm-7pm
For more information, please check out the link below:
Also, this link allows pupils /parents to sign up to register their attendance for one of the evenings.
S1 Parent / Carer Consultation Evening
In order to try and reduce our paper usage the floor plan for the upcoming Parent / Carer Consultation can downloaded to your phone using the QR code below or by clicking here.
Sleep Workshops
Our Educational Psychology colleagues will be delivering virtual sleep workshops through Microsoft Teams in November for parents and for practitioners. If you think this would be of use to you please see below for the scheduled time/dates for the sessions.
- Parent Workshop – 16th November 9.30am-11am
- Practitioner Workshop – 16th November 2.30pm- 4pm
Leaflets for further details can be downloaded below:
November 23 Sleep workshop parents leaflet
Sleep workshop practitioners afternoon November 2023 leaflet
There is no prior registration required.
S1 Parent / Carer Consultation Evening – Thursday 2nd November 2023
We are looking forward to welcoming the parents/carers of our S1 pupils along to Cumbernauld Academy on Thursday 2nd November 2023 from 4pm – 6:30pm.
This is an opportunity to meet the majority of your child’s teachers in person with the opportunity to gain feedback on attainment and progress across the first few months of this session. It is hoped this information will allow you to support your child with their education as they progress further into S1. For efficiency we are organising bookings online.
Information on how to make bookings is provided in the link below alongside the invitation email sent out earlier today.
Please find below some further points to note.
- Only appointments that have been pre-booked can be taken.
- Meetings are scheduled for a maximum of 5 minutes.
A map will be provided on arrival at the school reception to explain the location of each teacher.
Thank you.
Primary 7 Showcase Evening 12th October 18:30 – 21:00
We are delighted to welcome current P7 pupils to our annual showcase evening. This is an opportunity to experience learning and teaching from a range of curricular areas, meet some staff and familiarise yourself with the school building. Please sign up using the QR code below or by clicking here.
Senior Awards Ceremony Sept 2023
Head Teacher’s Parental Newsletter 29th September
Dear Parent/Carer,
We have now reached the end of September and this week had a really successful awards ceremony to celebrate the success of our senior students in the SQA exams last session. There was plenty to celebrate on the evening.
S4 Results
80 % of students achieved the benchmark of 5+ awards at National 4
76 pupils got 5+ N5
40 pupils achieved 7N5s
Gaining 7 As at N5
Matthew Jack, Millie Mason, Eloisa Stirling, Naima Wang
S5 Results
45% of students managed to get at least one Higher by the end of S5.
25% of our students managed to get 3+ Highers by the end of S5
Four students actually managed to get 5As last session by the end of S5.
Rebecca Byrne, Rebecca Lawman, Sam Fyffe, Niamh McDonogue
S6 Results
94% managed to gain at least 1 Higher, with 42% managing 3+ Highers. 23% of students gain 5+ Highers by end of S6 with positive leaver destinations well above 90%.
We also recognised the leaver destinations of all of our S6 pupils and plan to update that with the destinations of the S5 pupils who left. We will then share this with all of our cluster primary partners so that we can share the learner journeys with everyone who contributed.
The calculation for the dux award was so close this year that we presented a runner up prize to Sam Fyffe with the winning trophy going to Niamh McDonough for outstanding academic achievement. The Dr Jonathan Little Award for inspiration was won by Lois Dick and the senior parliamentarian of the year was won by Rajneet Kaur. Well done to all of our award winners.
Bus turning Circle
The work that has been taking place at the railway line behind the school has now been completed and this means that the compound that occupied our bus turning circle has been vacated. Therefore all buses will drop off and pick up from the allocated space rather than the temporary drop off behind the kitchen.
We continue to work hard to ensure that all young people wear the school uniform through regular checks at house time. If your child is unable to get any items of uniform, then please contact their pupil support teacher and we will find a way to support them. Thanks to the generosity of the parent council, we are able to give some practical support where it is needed.
S1-3 Tracking reports with learner conversation information will be available on 6th of October.
S4-6 Tracking reports with learner conversation information will be available on 13th October.
Please ensure all young people bring their school diaries with them as the learner conversation details will be recorded in them. It is also important to remember that when you get the tracking report, that you check the diaries for the learner conversation details.
Maths classes
We are currently short of a maths teacher in the school and are working hard to recruit a permanent faculty head. Mr Gibson is acting FH just now and we are managing to cover almost all classes with a qualified teacher. As soon as we have managed to recruit another teacher, I will let you know.
Reward Events
The October ‘In-House- reward events will take place on 12th October. The Pupil Support Team are currently finalising the ‘On-Track’ lists for the events which will take place that day in Cumbernauld Academy.
Showcase Evening
There will be a showcase evening in the school on Thursday 12th October for the parents of P7 pupils who wish to attend Cumbernauld Academy from August 2024. This evening will provide a taste of learning in the academy through experiences in the classrooms. It is a very enjoyable and busy evening and those attending in the last few years have provided very positive feedback.