Study Leave – S4-S6

Study leave will begin on Monday 25th April 2022 for pupils who are sitting at least 1 National Qualification exam (N5-Higher) in S4, S5 and S6. This also applies to pupils undertaking  1 National 5 exam.

Pupils will return to school on Monday 6 June 2022.

Any pupil who is not undertaking at least one exam at N5 to Higher level should continue to attend school to complete their N3/N4 coursework.

During the study leave period, study facilities will be available in school. Pupils who wish to take advantage  of these facilities should arrange with their subject teachers in advance and report to Reception on arrival.

NLC Virtual Easter School – April 2022

As part of our universal offer of support for our senior phase learners, the Digital School have coordinated an online supported study programme that will run from Tuesday 5th April to Thursday 14th. These online study ‘masterclass’ sessions will help learners reach the standards required to achieve their potential in their desired subjects. The link below will allow pupils to sign up to any of the 28 sessions that are running:

Spring Break 2022 Supported Study Sign Up

The link will be open until 5pm on Thursday 31st March. This will allow us to build the Teams for each session and add the pupils before the start of the programme. There will be a late sign-up form that will go live on the Friday (1st April) evening and this will be tweeted out by the @NLDigitalSchool Twitter account. This will be  primarily for students who cannot make in house offers or whose circumstances change at short notice.

The attached document has a copy of the full NL Digital School offer as well as the e-Sgoil offer (including the details on how to sign-up) and access to the National E-Learning offer that includes Scholar and West OS.

Study Support Offer – Spring Break 2022

Non Uniform Day 25th March 2022

It is a non-uniform day. There will also be the opportunity for each year group to pay to pie the S6 students at a different time during the day. We will be charging £1 per pie and the times for each year group to take part are listed below.

Period 1 8:55-9:20 (S2) 

Period 1 9:20-9:45 (S3) 

Break/ 10:35-10:50 (S5) 

Period 3 10:50-11:15 (S4) 

Period 3 11:15-11:40 (S1)

Period 4 11:40-12:00 (S6) 

Opportunity for S5 student

“A Life Changing Experience”

The Mark Scott Leadership for Life Award – through Outward Bound

S5 pupils were given a presentation earlier this week about this award. Pupils are invited to apply for this award which will involve then attending Outward Bound, for a five day residential, with other pupils from their area. During this time they will form groups to start to plan a community based project which they will plan for, fundraise for and implement throughout the following year. This project should last three days and benefit the local community. To find more about the award then follow the link below:

The Mark Scott Leadership for Life Award (

This award will require pupils to dedicate time to it, but will help them develop a huge array of social skills, including confidence, team-building, leadership, motivation etc. It will also make a very attractive note on any CV or college/university application. To apply, please complete the application below ASAP:


Time scales are tight, so please do not hesitate. If you have any questions, then contact Mr Sheridan

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