S3 EXAMS 2024


Dear Parent/Guardian.

The timetable for S3 examinations is now available.  (please click on the link below to access this timetable).

S3 Exams Summary May 2024

Pupils will follow their normal timetable during the exam period, and examinations will take place in classrooms during the time your child attends that subject. The examinations are timetabled mainly across three weeks to allow reasonable time for both revision at home and assessments in school.

The purpose of the examination diet is to give pupils and staff an indication of the progress pupils are making on courses and also to help pupils prepare for the experience of sitting National Qualification examinations in S4. Our new timetable for next year will start on Monday 3rd June, and all pupils will be issued their new timetable for S4 on that day. Pupils opting to study Modern Languages, Business and Administration in senior phase will complete assessments in the week beginning the 10th June.


The Scottish National Standardised Assessments for Scotland (SNSA) cover aspects of reading, writing and numeracy, providing teachers with indicative, diagnostic information on learners’ progress in these curricular areas. These assessments are completed nationally for all children and young people in P1, P4, P7 and S3. All S3 pupils will complete these online assessments within Maths and English classes prior to the end of May. The assessments are marked automatically allowing teachers immediate diagnostic feedback to help young people progress in literacy and numeracy.

I would like to inform you of healthy dialogue taking place about the format and timing of these S3 exams in the future. We have consulted staff recently and will be consulting all S3 pupils and their parents about their views on the matter next term.

I welcome your support in helping your child to prepare for these examinations.

Yours faithfully

Mrs L McGuigan


Easter School Revision School – Tuesday 2nd April – Friday 5th April

Cumbernauld Academy will be holding an Easter revision school from Tuesday 2nd through to Friday 5th April (1st week of the Easter holidays)

Senior Phase pupils who will be undertaking N5, Higher or Advanced Higher Exams in the forthcoming exam diet will be invited to choose subjects from the Easter school revision timetable, the times of each session are given on this document. Please click on the link below to access this timetable.

 Easter School Timetable 2nd – 5th April

Pupils will be asked to sign up for revision classes from Thursday 21st March.  Unfortunately pupils will require to organise their own transport to and from school as there will be no school transport available during this time.

Foundation Apprenticeship Open Night for S5/6 Pupils starting August 2024

Are you or your young person going into S5 or S6 in August 2024?

If so, come along to an Open Evening at New College Lanarkshire, Motherwell Campus and find out more!

When: Thursday 7th March 2024

Where: New College Lanarkshire, Motherwell Campus, 1 Enterprise Way, Motherwell ML1 2TX

Time: 5pm-7pm

New College Lanarkshire Open Evening is an opportunity for parents, carers and school pupils to find out more about Foundation Apprenticeships courses starting in August 2024.

Foundation Apprenticeships are for students entering S5 and S6 in school. They are offered in partnership with North Lanarkshire Council and New College Lanarkshire.  NB:  Students must be able to study at the required level.

There are programmes available in the following frameworks and are a combination of academic and practical work experience.

Level 6

Social Services Children and Young People

Social Services Healthcare

Civil Engineering


Creative and Digital Media

IT Software

S2 Option Choice Interviews from 4th March

The Pupil Support team will begin conducting subject choice interviews with our current S2  pupils in preparation for next sessions S3 curriculum from Monday 4th March.

This is the first major decision that all the S2 pupils will make in their high school journey and its importance cannot be underestimated. These choices will determine BGE courses for next session and in turn it also sets out the path which pupils will follow for S4 National Qualifications.

With this in mind and to help inform parents/carers and pupils we have provided an option information booklet detailing the process and subject availability for S3. The booklets detail course aims, structure and qualification levels on offer.

Please click on the link below to access the S3 Option Booklet and  the  S3 Option Choice Form (draft) for next session.

S2 into S3 Option Booklet 2024

S2 into S3 Curriculum Refinement Form (Draft) 2024



Strathclyde University Space School – For S5 pupils.

The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Strathclyde is delighted to be offering the Scottish Space School programme again in 2024 for school pupils in S5 across Scotland. The programme will run at the University from Monday 10 – Friday 14 June 2024.

This will mark the 20th anniversary of the programme which was first held here at the University in 2005.

There are 80 places available on the week-long programme this year which will revert to being residential for the first time in several years. Therefore, attendees will stay in University accommodation for the duration of the programme.

Throughout the week, attendees will hear from staff at the University of Strathclyde who will provide an insight into studying and working in the field of engineering, as well as hearing from some of the world’s leading figures in space travel, including NASA Astronauts and engineers. Participants will also take part in a group project which they will present to a selection panel made up of staff from the University and NASA on the final day, with a prize for the winning team.

We ask that you bring this to the attention of S5 pupils who have a talent for mathematics and physical sciences. At the end of the programme in June, 8 lucky pupils will be selected to travel to Houston, USA in October 2024 to complete the ‘Learning Journey to NASA’ trip.

There is no cost associated with attending the programme in June, or the trip to Houston in October.

Further information is available on the Space School website here: https://www.strath.ac.uk/engineering/scottishspaceschool/.

All pupils who are interested in attending must apply using our online form which will be available at the link above from Friday 16 February 2024, when applications open.

The deadline to apply is Friday 15 March 2024 and decisions will be sent to all applicants by Monday 15 April 2024. In the application form, pupils are asked to supply the name and contact details for a teacher who can provide a statement in support of their application. After an application is submitted, the nominated teacher will receive an automated email which will include a designated link to the online application to submit their statement. We ask that teacher statements are submitted online by Friday 22 March 2024, in order for the application to be considered.

If you have any questions then speak to Mr Sheridan

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