The U15 school team recently competed against St Margaret’s High School in the semi-final of the Lanarkshire Cup. Braidhurst won on penalties after a 0-0 draw with Ryan Menzies being named as Player of the Match. Congratulations boys on reaching the final of the tournament.


First year French students have been learning how to talk about ‘Food and Drink’ and, as part of their course, they were asked to devise an unusual and delicious ice cream sundae in French. The responses were outstanding, showing imagination, flair and linguistic competency. After much deliberation, Mr Gardiner, Depute Head Teacher, chose the sundaes he considered best met the criteria for the task, as well as being the ones he would most like to eat! Winners were Jevan Beattie, Alexander Mathieson, and Courtney Connelly of 1A: Amy McCoull, Lucie Macis and Zoe Toms of 1L; Max Watson, Brooke Delaney and Dainis Sroms of 1M and Erynn Hough and Abigail Lees of 1R. Some of the winners are pictured here with their prize – a real ice cream sundae complete with chocolate flake, chocolate sauce and lashings of cream! Miam Miam!


As part of the school’s ‘Developing the Young Workforce’ programme a group of 40 S4 pupils recently participated in a ‘Skills for Life and Work’ week. This programme guaranteed that pupils would gain seven additional qualifications and an improved CV before heading out on work experience for the remainder of study leave. Qualifications on offer included Emergency First Aid, REEHIS Food Hygiene, and Police Scotland’s ‘Keep Safe’ ambassador programme. The week ended with a presentation of certificates to pupils by MP for Motherwell and Wishaw Marion Fellows and Depute Leader of North Lanarkshire Council Paul Kelly, Head Teacher Mr Rooney and programme organiser Mr Clarke. Congratulations to all the pupils who took part in a fantastic week of learning.


Congratulations to our U15 girls’ football team for making it to the final of the Scottish Shield tournament which was played on Thursday 2nd May against Boroughmuir High School at the Spartans Community Football Academy in Edinburgh. Despite losing

2-0 to Boroughmuir the girls fought a very competitive game and the school are proud of every single player. Well done girls!


The third year pupil BGE Graduation Ceremony took place on Tuesday 23rd April in the school assembly hall. The ceremony marked the completion by S3 pupils of the Broad General Education (BGE) phase of their formal schooling and they will now move into the Senior Phase during S4-S6 when they will undertake their National and Higher examinations. Each pupil was gifted a new senior tie which they are now able to wear as part of their school uniform. Well done to all the S3 pupils!


On Thursday 25th April the school celebrated its sixth-year leavers’ with a special celebration in the school library. Head Teacher Mrs. Rooney opened the event with an uplifting speech which encouraged the departing pupils to go out into the world and strive to be the best possible version of themselves despite the inevitable setbacks life may throw at them. School Captains, Katie Kennedy and Zafar Khan delivered the valedictory speech before Depute Head Teacher for Upper School Ms. Anderson presented a humorous analysis of each graduating pupil alongside their P7 transition photograph which provoked much laughter. Teacher of Music Mr Crawford then played his ‘Remember the Good Old Days’ slideshow which documented, through photographs, the journey the pupils had taken from S1-S6. Pupils Scott Allan and Alistair Peacock closed the assembly with a vote of thanks to the Senior Management team, school office staff, English teacher Mrs. Swinburne, and Biology Teacher Miss. Watson for helping to organise the event. Good luck to all our graduating pupils for their future endeavours.

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