Update 18.09.20

We have been doing a maths assessment this week to help us plan what topics we are going to be covering this term. We all love maths so are looking forward to it!

We have been finding out about Jack Will in ‘Wonder’ this week. He figured out why August was mad at him and ended up punching Julian! Although Julian is not a very nice person, we spent some time thinking about things from his point of view and trying to empathise with him. Jack Will was trying to do the right thing by sticking up for his friend but knew he should not have punched Julian. We discussed the fact that even good people make mistakes sometimes and although there are consequences, we can apologise and move on from it.

We have started ‘Wonder’ style self portraits with Mrs Dickens and will post pictures of them when we are finished. We also learned how to make toast with Mrs Dickens when she was teaching us about procedural writing.

Mrs McDougall taught us about keeping a rythm. We were all in different teams and had to keep different rythms but it all went together nicely!

We have discussed the SHANARRI wellbeing indicators and how they relate to us to help set new targets for this term.