Homework (wk beg. 14.09.20)


Your spelling words for the week are listed in the table below. Click on the link for some ideas  to help you practice them. Remember you have all been issued with a jotter to keep at home now, so you can use this if you wish.    Spelling Homework Activities


Please aim to spend 15 – 30 minutes on Sumdog each night. Well done to everyone on completing the Diagnostic Assessment last week. This should mean the challenges you are set are appropriate for your level but please let us know if you are having any problems.

Bug Club

This is the second week of reading your book so it should be completed by Friday. Please remember to take care when you are answering the Bug questions and give reasons for your answers.

Education City

There were a lot of people who did not complete the activity last week so can you all please make sure to do it this week. Go on to ‘My Homework’ on Education City and complete the task on using commas to clarify meaning – ‘Let’s Eat Granny’.