Update 04.12.20

This week inĀ  maths we completed a Money assessment and practiced our times tables on Hit the Button. We started a new topic on angles and have been learning about acute, obtuse, right and reflex angles. We had fun going on an angle hunt to find angles in real life situations.

In Literacy we have been writing character descriptions and predictions. We have also been working hard to use correct punctuation at all times and hopefully this has paid off in our Baseline writing assessment, which we completed today.

For our topic we have been finding out about the music of WW2 and in particular, the singer Vera Lynn. She was brought in to boost morale among the soldiers and cheer them up. In those days, music was usually listened to on a wireless. We also learned about what life was like in the trenches for the soldiers. The trenches were dug to protect them from enemy troops. Some of the trenches they used were left over from WW1. They were cold and damp and they had to put long wooden planks down to stop them slipping in the mud. One soldier always had to be on the lookout for enemy soldiers.

We have been planning our craft for the Christmas Fair so look out for our page displaying what we will be selling on Monday. Details on how to order will also be posted on the page.