Update 04.09.20

We have had a great couple of weeks settling back in to school life and getting used to all the routines again. There are lots of things we can’t do and lots of extra things we have to do to keep everyone safe, but Mrs Sheikh and Mrs Gaw have been really impressed by how quickly we have all adapted. We have a really happy, enthusiastic class who have come back ready to learn! What do you think of our self portraits?

Class Charter

We spent some time discussing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and chose the ones which we thought were relevant to our classroom. We then came up with practical things that we could do to ensure everyone enjoys these rights. We chose ‘The Simpsons’ as our theme for our class charter (even though Mrs Gaw tried to put us off it) so wrote our ideas on a giant plate of donuts!


We have been doing a lot of revision on place value, addition, subtraction and multiplication. Our teachers have been really impressed with how much we have remembered and are discovering that maths is one of our favourite subjects! Mrs Dickens has been doing a ‘Time’ assessment with us and she is going to be working with us on this over the next few weeks.


This term, we are reading ‘Wonder’ by R J Palacio for our novel study. The story is about a boy who is born with Treacher Collins Syndrome meaning that he has severe facial differences and lots of health complications. When August is describing what he looks like in the first chapter, he says, “Whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably worse”. As he starts school for the first time in fifth grade, we are learning with him and his peers all about kindness, friendship and acceptance. One of the teachers, Mr Browne, teaches the class a new precept each month and the first one was, ‘When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind’. We had a lot of discussion around this and then we created our own precepts and explained why we thought they were important. We then worked together to make a large poster of Auggie, made up of all our precepts.