Homework (wk beg. 21.09.20)


Your spelling words for the week are listed in the table below. Click on the link for some ideas  to help you practice them. Remember you have all been issued with a jotter to keep at home now, so you can use this if you wish.    Spelling Homework Activities


Please aim to spend 15 – 30 minutes on Sumdog each night. There are still some people who have not completed the Diagnostic Assessment so please make sure this is done this week.

Bug Club

You have all been allocated a new book and you have two weeks to read it and answer the questions. Please remember to take care when you are answering the Bug questions and give reasons for your answers. Some people have still not finished reading the last book so you will have two in your allocations. I have given feedback to everyone who answered Bug questions last week so please go on and check it out.

Education City

You have a new activity allocated on ‘My Homework’ on Education City. This week we would like you to try a live activity where you are competing against your peers to find words on a grid. You can choose whether to compete against ‘people in your class’, ‘people in your school’ or ‘anyone’. Let’s see who is the winner at the end of the week!