Homework (wk beg. 30.11.20)

This is our last week of homework for this term so it would be really good if everyone could make an effort to complete all of the tasks. As always, let us know if you need any assistance.




Your spelling words for the week are listed in the table below. Click on the link for some ideas  to help you to practise them. Remember you can use your homework jotter if you wish.  Spelling Homework Activities

Bug Club

* If you are having problems logging on to Bug Club, please make sure you are using Google Chrome instead of Safari as this should work better.*

This is the second week of your book so you should aim to finish reading it and answer the questions by Friday. Please remember to take care when you are answering the Bug questions and give reasons for your answers. You can also check your feedback for the Bug questions you answered the last time. Book allocations are below.

Dahl – Dead Sick

Rowling – Globe Challenge: Creatures in Danger

Walliams – Dead Losses

Morpurgo – Dead Gorgeous

Lewis – Machines on the Move


Over the next couple of weeks we would like you to design and make a model of an Anderson shelter used in WW2. Normally we would bring these in to school and display them but as we can’t do this at the moment, we would like you to post a picture on Teams. Once everyone has shared their creations, we will have a look at them in class so we can all enjoy them!

Education City

We are continuing to focus on correcting punctuation. If there are any issues please let us know.


Your new challenge covers a range of different skills and topics.