2.2 Science – Life in Space

Mr Burrett’s 2.2 Science class have been researching the conditions on moons in orbit around other planets in the Solar System in order to decide if there could be any forms of life on them.

The task was based on the questions included in the Life in Space research task .










Pupils peer assessed each other’s videos using the Life in Space – Peer Assessment sheet.

Please feel free to give the class some feedback via the comments below.

3.7 Dead Earth Diseases Research

As part of the ‘Microbes and Disease’ section of their Dead Earth topic 3.7 have been researching diseases.

Students were given the name of a disease, and asked to focus their research on –

  • Type of pathogen
  • Method of transmission
  • Symptoms
  • Mortality rate
  • Prevention
  • Treatment
  • Geographical spread
  • Any other relevant information

Click on the titles below to view the Sway presentations.

Dengue Fever






Chicken Pox


Scarlet Fever

River Blindness

Yellow Fever


Sleeping Sickness







2.6 Scotland the Great – Renewable Energy

2.6 have been learning about different forms of renewable energy used in Scotland. In pairs they were given a particular renewable energy scheme to research, finding out about –

  • location (where it is)
  • operation (how it works)
  • output (how much power/how many homes)
  • advantages (what is good about it)
  • disadvantages (what is not so good about it)

Having gathered their information, the groups each produced a Sway presentation summarising their findings. Click on the titles below to view the Sway presentations.

Cluanie Hydroelectric Power Station, Pitlochry

LIMPET wave power, Islay

Whitelee Wind Farm, East Renfrewshire

Errol Estate Solar Array, Tayside

Pelamis Wave Generator

Biomass CHP, Lockerbie

Cruachan Hydroelectric Scheme

Tidal Power, Pentland Firth

Barkip Biomass, Ayrshire

Offshore Wind Power, Firth of Forth

Impact of Climate Change on Plant Growth

S3 have been investigating the impact of climate change on plant growth. We planted cress seeds and exposed them to different conditions aimed at simulating drought, normal and flood conditions. Some of the plants were cultivated in mini greenhouses to mimic warmer temperatures. The results from our experiment are plotted in this graph. Flooding conditions gave the least plants growth, drought conditions allowed the plants to grow but not as well as normal watering. Our experiment shows that extreme changes in weather can impact plant growth. IMG_5295[1] IMG_5292[1]

3.4 Dead Earth

7/6/2016 As part of our dead earth investigation we are studying climate change, its potential causes and the impact it has on our lives. First drafts of our Natural Disaster investigations. We are going to review each others work and make changes to improve on our first drafts.

We have assessed our work using the following criteria;

  1. is the natural disaster clearly explained?
  2. Are the effects of the disaster discussed?
  3. Is an example of this type of disaster included?
  4. If the disaster is caused by climate change, is this explained?
  5. Is the work informative or did you need more information?

Flooding by harvey and ross

Wildfires by Isla and Vanessa

Tsunami Logan, Luke and Damian

Tsunami emma and Nicola

Heat WaveHeat wave by lg

Flooding By Ross

Cyclones robbie, murron and niamh

Wildfires by Richi Joshua and Alistair


3.4 Dead Earth

7/6/2016 3.4 As part of the Dead Earth topic we have been investigating the factors that contribute to climate change. We discussed the 3 main greenhouse gases and how our activities have increased their levels in the atmosphere. After that we discussed how to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases we are producing – here are our suggestions.

IMG_5173[1] IMG_5174[1] IMG_5175[1] IMG_5176[1]

IMG_5177[1] IMG_5178[1]

3.6 Dead Earth

6th of June 2016. As part of our dead earth investigation we are studying climate change, its potential causes and the impact it has on our lives. 3.6 have been researching natural disasters this week and  we have assessed our work using the following criteria;

  1. is the natural disaster clearly explained?
  2. Are the effects of the disaster discussed?
  3. Is an example of this type of disaster included?
  4. If the disaster is caused by climate change, is this explained?
  5. Is the work informative or did you need more information?

Wildfires by lucy Flinn & Rebecca

Comments –

tsunamis by kerr and jack

Comments –

Heat wave Anais, Kerryn and Kayla

Comments –



Declan&Conor Tsunami

Comments –

Cyclones finlay and matthew




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