Living and Learning at Gibshill

At Gibshill Children’s Centre we want all children to feel safe, secure and nurtured in their environment with opportunities to explore, learn and develop their skills through fun and exciting play experiences.

We aim to develop  positive relationships with children and their families to ensure that the transition to nursery is as smooth as possible and ensure that parents feel valued and respected.

In each of our playrooms children will have opportunities to explore a range of play experiences based on children’s interests and individual stage of learning.

Children can explore:

  • loose parts play,  construction and block play
  • outdoor play
  • share books, songs and rhymes
  • physical play
  • imaginative play
  • discovery, exploration and creative opportunities

At Gibshill Children’s Centre, we use online Learning Journals to record, and track, each child’s learning and give parents the opportunity to see what their child has been learning at nursery and share learning from home.


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