Centre Information

Our vision is to ……….

  • Get it right for every child
  • Involve our local community in all we do
  • Build on prior knowledge and experience
  • Support and nurture individual children and their families
  • Holistically develop children and families
  • Include partner agencies when appropriate
  • Learn and develop new skills independently and from each other
  • Learn in a fun and creative way

The Centre comprises of 2 large and bright playrooms and an excellent outdoor space providing opportunities for our children to learn and grow in a safe, secure and nurturing environment. Positive relationships, play, respect, first hand experiences and creativity underpin everything we do at Gibshill.

The Centre has the capacity to provide early education and care for 48 children aged 3-5 and 15 children aged 2-3 at any one time. We provide early learning and childcare for 6 hours per day from Monday to Friday.  We have a limited number of wrapround spaces for parents who may require this service. Please note that this service incurs a charge. Please contact the nursery if you require further information about a place for your child.

The Centre has very good relationships with other local nurseries, partner agencies, the local and wider community and our cluster group. Our main feeder primary schools are Kings Oak and St. John’s Primary School however we work closely with most schools in Inverclyde to ensure our children and their families experience as smooth a transition as possible when moving on.

We also work in partnership with colleges and universities to support young people and students in work experience, apprenticeships, further and higher education, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees with the aim of supporting and developing the early years workforce

Most recently we were inspected by the Care Inspectorate in October 2017. This was a very positive inspection and we were graded ‘Very good’ in Quality of Care and Support and Quality of Environment.


Inverclyde Council

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