Craigmarloch School adopts a whole school approach to Health & Wellbeing through the Early Years, Primary and Secondary departments. This is centered on the 6 Principles of Nurture and our Shanarri Indicators.
Everyone within our Craigmarloch Community, whatever their contact with children and young people, shares the responsibility for creating a positive ethos and a climate of respect and trust. By following the health and wellbeing principles, this establishes open, positive, supportive relationships across the school community where pupils and adults will feel that they are listened to.
The Health & Wellbeing Curriculum within our classrooms is based on the individual needs of staff and pupils, offering a building block approach to children’s personal, social and emotional learning about themselves and others. They will have a clear understanding of emotional literacy in relation to their social and emotional self and they will learn to express these emotions confidently, support peers and managing personal relationships/friendships well. Currently, some of the resources being used are: