S4 Wider Achievement: Debating
Want to debate contentious issues and hone your skills of persuasion?
This course will develop your skills of:
- reading for research
- (speech) writing
- note-taking
- talking and listening in groups
- interacting with others
- critical thinking
There is a balance between individual research, speech writing, group work activities and competitive debate.
You will:
- watch and analyse famous speeches
- present a project on an inspirational speaker of your choice
- prepare for debates through research activities
- understand and create ‘motions’
- construct complex arguments
- deliver solo speeches
- learn how to make and respond to points of information
- perform in competitive debates on contentious issues
- be trained in judging debates and giving feedback
- become fluent in the art of persuasion
Public Speaking
Eye contact, gesture, facial expression, stance, voice, pace, use of notes….
The rule of three; the rhetorical question; listing; repetition; understatement; hyperbole; emotive language…
Rapport with the audience; appeals to reason; appeals to emotion; appeals to shared values through anecdote; manipulating statistics…
Good general knowledge
An interest in current affairs, politics, moral dilemmas, philosophical inquiry
A willingness to try public speaking
Strong opinions matched with a fiery temperament or a cool head…