Found Colour

Expressive artsLanguagesArt workshop

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Found Colour Listen to what the Found Colour learning opportunity is all about

David Batchelor uses found colour to create incredible sculpture, drawings and paintings. Batchelor uses coloured plastic sunglasses, utensils, pegs and even watering cans to transform the ordinary into something beautiful.  In his drawings and paintings he does not mix colour but uses it as it comes – straight from the can.  Inspired by Batchelor’s exhibition ‘Flatlands’ and his online portfolio investigate, explore, collect and create with found colour through a series of creativity challenges in partnership with The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh. Create a collaborative ‘Flatland’ across Scotland.

learn to ...expressive artsLearn to....languages

  • Respond to abstract art
  • Experiment with a range of media
  • Use and combine visual elements to convey ideas in design work
  • Respond to a design brief to develop and communicate imaginative design solutions

Learn with....Expressive artslearn with...languages

  • Learners across Scotland
  • The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh
  • Caitlin Page, Learning Programme Manager
  • Artists
  • Education Scotland Learning Team

The first 5 schools to sign up will receive a copy of The Fruitmarket Gallery David Batchelor publication ‘Flatlands’

Educators learn more about this learning experience here

LearnCAT Email the LearnCat to sign up for Found Colour


  • If you are a learner, you can sign up for yourself. Please include your Glow username
  • If you are a teacher or other educator, you can sign up on behalf of a group of learners. Please include a list of Glow usernames
  • Email for any enquiries.
  • A Glow Login is required for your submissions.  If you have forgotten it or don’t have one click here.