Primary 2A with Ms McCann and Ms Kennedy
Summary of Learning
In literacy we will be continuing our Daily Supported Reading programme each morning to increase our fluency and expression when reading texts and also having our weekly reading cafes with P6 to develop an enjoyment of reading! In phonics we will continue to learn and overlearn sounds to support our reading and written work. In writing we will be looking at how to create good character descriptions and focussing on including adjectives in our writing. We will continue to focus on letter formation, looking closely at capital letters.
In Numeracy and Maths we will be focusing on telling the time on analogue and digital clocks as well as measuring the volume of different objects in our school environment and exploring the concept of area. We will continue to work on our addition and subtraction strategies to enhance recall of facts and reading, writing and ordering numbers.
Our topic this term will be based on the story of The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch. We will be looking at the characters in the story, sequence the story and create some artwork linked to the story. In Science, we will learn about electricity, how to keep safe when using electricity and try to light up a bulb by using a series circuit. During Health and Wellbeing lessons we will be focusing on the Wellbeing Indicators such as safe, healthy and active and learn how these all support our general wellbeing. In RME we will be learning about Chinese New Year and the story behind it. In PE we will be enjoying dance sessions with the Determined to Dance coaches who are coming in to work with us.
PE Days
Our PE days this term will be Monday and Thursday. Please come to school dressed for PE and wearing no jewellery. Thursday’s PE is outdoors, so please bring a jacket and have a spare pair of clothes in bags.
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