Please see the letter below from Maureen McKenna regarding COP26.
Author Archives: Miss Moir
Class Fundraising Christmas Cards
Last year, we successfully raised over £1200 for school funds through Class Fundraising Christmas Cards.
Pupils across the school have been busy designing cards for the holiday season and as always they have created some stunning designs. If your child created a design, it will come home in their school bag, today or tomorrow.
This year payments will be made via Parent Pay. However we will still require the completed envelope order form to allow us to process your chosen items. Please make sure that names are accurate on the back of the cards as once we have placed the order these cannot be altered. Please make sure that payments are made via Parent Pay when you return the order form to school, as orders cannot be made without payment.
If you need a new copy of the details for Parent Pay please contact the school office.
Thank you again for your support,
Mrs Batista
Hyndland Headlines – October 2021
Click the link below to read a copy of our newsletter for October 2021.
Words for the World Competition
Within Hyndland Primary we are lucky to have pupils and families from all over the world.
We’re hoping to celebrate this more over the coming year and would like to share a competition run by SCILT (Scotland’s National Centre for Languages) with families to get us started.
Malala Yousafzai said:
“We must believe in the power and the strength of our words. Our words can change the world.”
Inspired by Malala’s words, we would love you to use your words to show how the world can be a better place. This could be about climate change, helping the environment, how we treat one another, equality – whichever area you are most concerned about, or would most like to see change.
Your challenge:
-Use a language (or languages) other than English to show your ideas, hopes or even advice for our world.
-It can be in any format, for example a poem, an essay, a song, a cartoon – be creative!
-There is no minimum or maximum number of words!
-Judging categories: P1-4 and P5-7.
-Individual or group entries are welcome.
-Entries will be judged on language use, content and creativity.
-Winners will be announced at an online event at the time of the COP26 summit.
-If an entry is in a language not usually taught within schools, please include an English translation.
If you would like to enter please ask your teacher for a consent form which they can get from Mrs Batista (P7B). Could all entries please be returned to school by Friday 17th of October in order for us to scan them and submit them.
We look forward to seeing your entries and to being able to display them in our school!
Letter from National Clinical Director
Please see attached a letter from the National Clinical Director regarding cases of Covid-19 in childcare settings and how they are being managed in schools.
Letter to Parents and Carers from Jason Leitch National Clinical Director – 16 September 2021
Free School Meals October Holiday Payment
Please see attached a letter regarding Free School Meals, October holiday additional payments.
Hyndland Headlines – August 2021
We hope everyone has enjoyed the first few weeks back, we have loved seeing all of your happy faces and hearing all of your summer stories!
See the link below for our August newsletter.
Protected: Self Isolation – 16/08/21
iPad Agreement August 2022
In Primary 7 as part of our Connected Learning digital rollout programme, your child will receive their own iPad and charger to use for learning purposes in school and at home.
In order for us to arrange, set up and distribute the iPads we require children and families to read and sign a contract. The contract explains the expectations for using the iPad. In order for your child to receive an iPad they are required to read, sign and return the contract to their class teacher by Friday the 26th of August. If they do not return the contract by this date then they may not receive their iPad at the same time as the rest of the cohort.
Should you have any questions please get in touch with Miss Moir.
A copy of the letter and agreement can be found here: Pupil Parent Home School Agreement AUG 2022
Our World Kitchen – Hyndland Primary Recipe Book
Over the past few months our Hyndland Primary Parent Council have been working hard gathering all of our communities favourite recipes from all around the world.
The recipe book is now available to order online at the link below.
Order here:
We hope you will enjoy creating lots of new worldly foods!